  • 學位論文


Preliminary Study On The She People Emigration of Taiwan

指導教授 : 張素玢


從唐朝漢人入閩設州置縣,史書及民間傳說中不斷記錄著漢人與少數民族之間的衝突,並反映在開漳聖王信仰,畲漢之間有截然不同的價值。位於漳浦赤嶺及湖西深山一帶的藍姓畲民,至二次大戰後仍保有畲民傳統,其相關盤瓠傳說之族圖文物,也至文化大革命才遭焚毀。當地畲民不接受開漳聖王信仰,至今仍被視為畲民。而大部分在臺的藍姓移民,其祖籍就是福建漳浦。他們大都在乾隆年間遷徙來臺,可分為武官業主及一般百姓。除藍廷珍及藍鼎元家族藉由官府勢力招墾發展成為地方勢力外,其他就如同一般漳州移民,招佃拓墾,待經濟穩定後發展宗族。其中道光年間之藍引族系族譜,記載畬民族源傳說、姓氏由來、盤瓠祖圖、分布狀況、祭祀活動,是目前臺灣有關畲民意識相當重要的史料。由於藍姓移民來臺開墾較早,並無當地勢力可引為已用,因此往往受招佃、墾隘,赴漢番交界區維生,也留下許多與平埔族之間的互動紀錄。 閩南民間信仰與家族制度的關連,透過家廟與當地神廟的結合,藉由神靈的祭典與崇拜,凝聚家族的共識,美化祖先的傳說,強化內部的團結與控制,在閩南高度發達的宗族社會中,以對抗不同家族的勢力。而漳浦藍姓移民,除了開漳聖王之外,承接當地所信仰之三官大帝、古公三王(三王公),以及因藍理所崇拜的撫順將軍馬仁。其中赤嶺雨霽頂三界公廟,發展成為海內外重要的三官大帝信仰。而宜蘭二結王公廟保存古公三王(三王公)信仰傳說,成為宜蘭古公三王信仰的共主,為海峽兩岸現存之古公三王信仰的典範。這些畲民信仰,如同其他閩南文化,融合著非漢民族的成分,從漳浦藍氏族譜中,透過移民在臺的墾拓,以漢人的面貌面對新的環境,在畲民、平埔族與漢文化的接觸與互動的經驗中,逐步拼湊閩臺人民與少數民族的關係。


During Tang Dynasty Han people from Fujian to set the state home county, history books and folklore continue to record the conflict between the Han and minority nationalities, and beliefs reflected in the Saint King Kai-Jang. She people are very different from the value of Han people. She people living in Zhangpu Chiling and Huxi still retain their tradition after World War II. and the figure heritage related to family of Panhu legends also maintain until the Cultural Revolution by being burned. Local people do not accept the belief in Saint King Kai-Jang, yet they are still regarded as She people. In Taiwan, most of the Lan surname immigrants’ancestral home is Fujian Zhangpu. Most of them are migrating to Taiwan in Qianlong. They can be divided into military attache owners and the general populations. In addition to Lan,Ding Yuan and Lan,Ting Chun family cultivated by official forces move into the development of local forces, the other just as the general Zhangzhou immigrants land reclamation, to develop the clan after economic being stable. The genealogy of Lan,yin is recorded about family sources legend records, surname origin, Panhu ancestral chart, distribution, festival and etc. The genealogy is the people of Taiwan awareness about She people very important historical data. As Lan surname immigrants cultivated land in Taiwan earlier, there is no local forces may be cited for its own purposes, they are often limited by land reclamation, and went to Han and Fan for living. And then they also left many records of interaction with Pingpu. Taiwanese folk beliefs connected with the family system, and through the Temple and the combination of the local temple, the rituals and worship by the gods, the consensus of family cohesion and beautify ancestral legends, and strengthen internal unity and control, highly developed in Fujian clan society, against the forces of different families. Then besides Saint King Kai-Jang, Lan surname immigrants in Zhangpu accepted the faith of San Guan Da Di, Gu Gong San Wang (San Wang Gong), and the general Ma,ren because of Lan,li. Among them, Chiling Sanjie temple developed into an important brief of San Guan Da Di at home and abroad. The legend of belief that saved in Er-Jie Jhen-An temple, became the overlord of the faith of Gu Gong San Wang, and the existing cross-strait of Gu Gong San Wang faith for the model. Beliefs of Sanhak, like other Taiwanese culture, combined with a non-Han ethnic composition. From Zhangpu Lan's genealogy, through migrant settlers expand in Taiwan, they face the new environment in Han's face. The experience of She people and Pingpu contacted with Han ethnic and culture let us know the relationship between Fujian and Taiwan people and ethnic minorities.





