  • 學位論文


The Study of the Competitive Strategies in the Mobile Communication Industry–An Example from Company T

指導教授 : 張勝雄


台灣電信市場經過近十幾年來快速的變革,起始於1987年8月的電信自由化,促使社會更快速地資訊化,讓電信產業競爭更加劇烈。消費者除了能夠在多家的電信業者之間選擇並保障其權益,也將電信產業帶入相互競爭的局面。電信業者為了提升營運績效,開始追求利潤極大及成本極小的營運方式。因此,本研究的目的在於探討如何建立良性的競爭環境,並分析個案公司如何利用有限的資源,因應數位匯流及網際網路的蓬勃發展,使消費者可以享用有高品質且價格合理的多元化電信服務。 本研究使用賽局理論的PARTS模型分析台灣行動通訊服務產業現況以及個案公司情況,並歸納出其競爭優勢來源,也透過資料蒐集分析,整理出個案公司未來策略轉型與發展展望。主要的探討目的如下: 一、瞭解國內行動通信市場現況與結構。 二、提供個案公司的經營策略。 三、利用賽局架構分析個案公司的競合策略與未來發展並規劃提出結論與具體建 議。


Liberalization of telecommunications in Taiwan has started in August 1987. It makes telecom industry work in efficient way and lets the information sharing be much more quickly and easily by the improvement of telecom industry. More than that, consumers can choose the telecommunications company which they like by themselves and the chose will be protected by the law. Accordingly, the telecom industry has been bringing into a new competitive situation. Fighting for the top of market position, telecommunication companies try variety strategies, such as alliances and marketing strategies. Telecom industry has come into a whole new era from that time. This study employs analysis of “PARTS” of Game Theory as a model to analyse the case company in mobile communication industry of Taiwan. The purpose of this study is trying to summery the advantages based on analysis data of the case company and to bring ideas for future strategy mapping and development. To summarize the purposes are as below. 1. To study the market of Taiwan mobile communication. 2. To share the business strategies of the case company. 3. To draw the conclusions and recommendations for the future development of the case company.


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