  • 學位論文


The Content Analysis of Linear Function of Junior High Mathematics Textbooks In Grade Seven

指導教授 : 張英傑
共同指導教授 : 李武炎


本研究的目的是要呈現七年級各版本數學教科書線型函數之教材結構,比較分析與97 數學課綱分年細目指標的對應結果,同時探討各版本線型函數教學活動表徵呈現形式、佈題表徵轉譯的安排情形。 本研究以概念圖與表徵為工具,對現有100學年度A、B、C三個版本七年級線型函數的教材內容進行內容分析,其研究結果如下: 一、各版本線型函數教材結構之概念的呈現順序、內容有些不同,但都是依循低階概念而後高階概念的順序,其共同概念數約佔國中線型函數相關概念的百分之六十四。 二、在各版本線型函數教材結構中,教材內容大部分符合97課綱規範之教材內容,他們同時都多出了函數符號及函數值的概念,其餘多出的概念則各有所長。 三、各版本線型函數教材之表徵呈現方式A版為四種,包含文字敘述V、圖形G、代數式E、數表T等表徵,B、C版則為五種,增加了函數機器比喻圖M的表徵。佈題表徵轉譯分類細目上,表徵轉譯之使用以A版12種最多,B版11種居次,C版10種最少。而在重視程度上,各版普遍以代數式表徵轉譯的使用比重最高,而在A版是圖形轉譯的比重最小,在B版是在數表轉譯的比重最小,C版是在數表轉譯的比重最小。在各版的轉譯細目上,代數式表徵轉譯為數表表徵(ET)的比重都是最高的。 最後依據研究結果分別對教材內容、教科書的編纂及使用與未來研究提供相關建議以供參考。


The main purpose of this study was to figure out the teaching material structure which was checked with the Curriculum Guideline issued by the Ministry of Education (MOE) in 2008 and was to analyze the representation translations of linear function in three versions of junior high mathematics textbooks, as well as to render the using of the types of representation when they presented. With the tools of concept map and representation, content analysis was applied to the teaching materials of three existing versions of junior high mathematics textbooks. The findings of this study were as follows : 1.There are some sequence differences of concept among versions of linear function materials, but they are to follow a low-level concept and then the order of the higher-order concepts. Their common concepts account for about 64 percent of the junior high linear function concepts. 2.Three teaching material structures of 7th grade linear function were consistant with the mapping to the Curriculum Guideline 2008.Commonly the concepts of function symbol and function value were added in every version and individually versions with another varius concepts were rendered in addition. 3.In the teaching materials of linear function, all the three versions primarily used the verbal, graphic, equation and table representations. In version B and C the function machine representation was added. The representation translations arranged in the teaching activities were different. A version arranged 12 kinds, B version 11 kinds, and C version 10 kinds, in which ET(translation from equation to table) is highly concerned in three versions. Every version place a high value on the translation of equation representation. The lowest proportion in version A was the translation of graphic representation, in version B was the translation of table representation, and in version C was the same as in version B. Finally, intentions of the findings of this study were discussed, and suggestions were made to textbook compilers, users and researchers.




