  • 學位論文


The Analysis of the Experience of Psychological Displacement Paradigm in Diary-Writing on Mother of People with Disabilities

指導教授 : 郭瓈灧


本研究旨在探討身障者母親照顧者使用心理位移日記書寫所呈現在面對照顧工作上的經驗本質,以詮釋現象學方法論作為本研究的研究方法,邀請四位身障者母親照顧者成為研究參與者,各自完成七至十三篇不等的心理位移日記文本為主要分析資料,並於書寫完成後接受研究者訪談,兩資料相互參照後所獲得研究成果。 本研究發現如下: 1.身障者母親照顧者面對長期負擔照顧工作的經驗本質 四位研究參與者擔負照顧工作所呈現之普遍置身結構經驗中,所統整出之普遍置身結構中,所形成之共同主題分別為「苦因之起」、「苦受相狀」、「苦受的影響」、「苦受的應對」與「離苦之道」等五項。 2.身障者母親照顧者透過心理位移日記書寫所展現書寫特性 「我」位格:「我」位格的四個主題類別分別為「照顧者角色」、「照顧者相關支持系統」、「其他角色需求」與「自身感受與需求」。 「你」位格:「你」位格的六個主題類別分別為「提醒鼓勵」、「同理安撫」、「怪罪指責」、「理性分析與思考」、「重複簡述」與「身心靈整合的詮釋」。 「他」位格:「他」位格的六個主題類別分別為「分析反思」、「提醒鼓勵」、「重複簡述」、「認知視框與照顧模式的調整方向」、「安撫同理」與「嘲諷駁斥」。 「再回到我」位格:「再回到我」位格的三個主題類別分別為「回到當下統整分析」、「自我覺察與接納」以及「提醒與行動」。 最後,研究者根據本研究結果加以討論,並提出具體建議,以供相關實務工作者及未來的研究者作為參考。


The study aims to discuss the nature of the experience of mother of people with disabilities using psychological displacement paradigm in diary-writing. The researcher uses hermeneutic phenomenology theory as the main research method. Four mothers of people with disabilities participates in this research, each of them have completed 7 to 13 pieces of psychological displacement paradigm in diary-writing in the process, total 41 pieces of psychological displacement paradigm in diary-writing. These 41 pieces of psychological displacement paradigm in diary-writing are the main source of data analysis in this study. After they completed the diary writing, the researcher interviewed them in order to compare the analysed result of the diary. The following are the findings of this study: 1. The nature of the experience of mother of people with disabilities facing the long term of caring work. Four participants show the same structure on their experience of caring work. There are five different main themes, these five main themes are “the origin of the suffering”, ”the form of the suffering”, ”the effect of the suffering”, “the coping of the suffering” and “the relief of the suffering”. 2. The property of mother of people with disabilities using psychological displacement paradigm in diary-writing from different pronouns. (1) From first-person pronoun: The four main themes of first-person pronoun are “the character of caregiver”, “the support system of caregiver”, “needs from other character” and “feeling and need of caregiver”. (2) From second-person pronoun: The six main themes of second-person pronoun are “remind and support”, “empathy and appease”, “criticize and blame”, “rational thinking and analyzing”, “descripiting and repeating” and “explain of integrate of body mind and spirit”. (3) From third-person pronoun: The six main themes of third-person pronoun are “analyzing and reflection”, “reminding and encouraging”, “descripiting and repeating”, “adjustment the way of caring and cognitive perspective”, “empathy and appease” and “ridicule and refute”. (4) From returning to here-and-now first-person pronoun The three main themes of here-and-now first-person pronoun are “back to here and now integrating and analyzing”, “self-awareness and self-acceptance” and “reinding and action”.


