  • 學位論文


Dynamic Risk Assessment in the Green Supply Chain─ An Application to the Notebook Manufacture and its Suppliers.

指導教授 : 曹銳勤


由於高科技而產生的環境汙染問題促成了綠色概念的提倡,尤其以歐盟所公布的危險物質禁用指令(RoHS)以及廢棄電機電子設備指令(WEEE)的法令,讓企業最為重視,但法令的頒布勢必對企業是一項衝擊,其中也存在許多不確定性,因而會造成風險,如果能適當的控管企業中所面臨到的風險因子,對於企業的永續經營將會是一大利多。 本篇研究主要以筆記型電腦產業為主軸來探討綠色供應鏈管理(Green Supply Chain Management)中的風險,並建立整體的綠色供應鏈風險評估模式,因此如何評估製造商及其供應商在營運以及提供原物料時所有可能產生的風險,並針對這些風險提出有效的改善方案是本篇研究重點。其研究方法如下: 找出風險可能產生的方向,並在這些方向下透過失效模式與效應分析(Failure Mode and Effects Analysis, FMEA)定義出FMEA構面。其次對定義出的FMEA的構面以分析網路程序法(Analysis Network Process, ANP)找出相對權重,設定權重後,再找出各構念下有可能造成影響的風險因子,並以灰關聯分析法(Grey Relation Analysis)結合ANP權重排列出靜態風險因子排序,最後以指數平滑模型(Exponential Smoothing Model)探討風險因子排序隨著時間變化的程度,而排列出動態因子排序。 當找出風險因子的排序之後,企業便能參考排序資料對於風險做最適當的處理,將風險因子的影響程度降至最低,甚至經由動態排序的結果,能預先知道即將面臨到的風險,讓企業對於風險的控管能力又更加增強。


The environmental pollution problems derived from the high-tech revolution in 3C products have contributed to the development of green issues and restricted to the correspondence enterprises focusing on the recovery of the sustainable environment and promoting the European Union green policies in their management processes includes the restriction of hazardous substances (RoHS), waste electrical and electronic equipment directive (WEEE), and energy using products directive (EuP). These green issues and policies proceed to create many uncertainties in the management process among the material purchasing, R&D, production process, and its sale strategies. In order to assist enterprises to properly focus on green issues in their management process, we try to find out the risk factors and their corresponding weights affect to the management processes from the experts opinion; and then the enterprises can support effectively sustainable operation strategies. In this study, we choose a leading company driven by innovation and commitment to quality for products in notebooks for investigating an overall green supply chain risk assessment model. We first identify the risk factors in their green supply chain with respect to the risks as well as the failure mode and effects analysis (FMEA). Second, we use the Analytic Network Process (ANP) to derive the relative weights of the risk dimensions in the FMEA. Third, we combine grey relational analysis and ANP weights to derive the relative weight of each risk factor in its risk dimension which is defined as static risk factors in the management of GSCM. Finally, an exponential smoothing model is used to explore the dynamic risk factors which describe the risk factors are variant over time because some unknow causes are not included in the proposed analysis method. In the experiment results, we confirm that the proposed method can be used in the GSCM for this enterprise and quickly find out the risk factors. Furthermore, through the dynamic sorting of results, the enterprise can prospectively insight the possible risks to facilitate risk control capabilities.


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