  • 學位論文


Effects of Systematic Nursing Instruction on Attitudes , Knowledge, Concerns and Practices Change of Primary Caregiver Having Febrile Convulsion Children.

指導教授 : 郭碧照




Febrile convulsion is the most common seizure disorder in children. The appearance of seizure attacks made a great psychologic impact on primary caregivers, so their initial reaction is often inappropriate and maybe actually lead to harm. Primary caregivers of such children need specific information to manage seizures and decrease their anxiety. This study was to understand the effects of systematic nursing intervention on knowledge, attitudes, concerns and practices of primary caregiver. A pretest-posttest experimental study was designed, enrolling a purposive sample of caregiver who had febrile convulsion children and admitted to medical center pediatric ward in middle Taiwan. The intervention group (n=24) received systematic nursing interventions from the researcher and the control group (n=22) received regular nursing care from staff nurses.The differences of the two groups were measured via before and after nursing inerventions. The effects of systematic nursing intervetnion were evaluated using the「Questionnaire on parental knowledge, attitudes,concerns and practices」for primary caregiver. Data were analyzed via descriptive, χ2, pair t-test, and independent t-test using SPSS/PC 18.0. The results showed that control and intervention group receiving different interventions had been effective in attitudes, knowledge, concerns and practices. But the intervention group had significantly higher scores than control group(P<.001). After two weeks discharged from hospital, the intervention group were still significantly higher score than control group(P<.01).The systematic nursing interventions by "febrile convulsion care pamphlet" could be supplied in clinics in the future.


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