  • 學位論文

太極運動對肥胖的第二型糖尿病患者體重、 代謝、氧化壓力指標及生活品質的影響

Effect of Tai Chi Exercise on Body Weight, Metabolic Profiles, Oxidative Stress Indicators and Life Quality in Obese Type 2 Diabetic Patients

指導教授 : 李孟智


目的: 這項研究目的在驗證肥胖的第二型糖尿病患者經過一個簡化及柔和的太極拳訓練後的效應。 設計: 隨機及對照組控制型試驗 設置:臺灣臺中市一個區域教學醫院新陳代謝科糖尿病保健機構。 對象:將醫院的肥胖第二型糖尿病患者(年齡40-70歲,身體質量指數30-35公斤/平方公尺) 隨機分配並且編組到太極運動組和一般運動組。介入: 在太極運動組和一般運動組接受指導以後,每個星期練習三次,每次持續1個小時, 總共12個星期的課程。 測量參數: 包括糖化血紅素,血清脂肪濃度、丙二醛和高敏感性C型反應蛋白。 同時測量體重和身體質量指數及生活品質分數。我們在分析期間仔細地監控參加者的飲食和藥物治療方式。 結果: 在12個星期以後,太極實驗組的糖化血紅素數值沒有減少(8.9±2.7% : 8.3±2.2%, P=0.064)。 體重(83.9±4.2 : 82.4±3.2, P=0.022 )及身體質量指數(33.5±4.8 : 31.3±4.2, P=0.038)和血清油脂濃度,包括三酸甘油酯(214±47 mg/dL : 171±34 mg/dL、P=0.012)和高密度脂蛋白膽固醇(38±16 mg/dL : 45±18 mg/dL, P=0.023)顯示有重大改善。 血清丙二醛(malondialdehyde)傾向於比基礎值減少(2.66±0.78 μmol/L: 2.31±0.55 μmol/L、P=0.035)和高敏感性C反應型蛋白濃度也減少了(0.39±0.19 mg/dL : 0.22±0.15 mg/dL, P=0.014)。在一般運動組則未顯示以上效益。在生活品質的運動前後比較方面, 太極組顯現在生理功能(1.56±0.17 :1.62±0.20,P=0.038 )及自覺健康(1.39±0.35:1.57±0.52,P=0.033)大幅改善而一般運動組則在自覺健康上( 1.35±0.28:1.49±0.43, P=0.041) 有顯著效益。 結論: 當由專家指導及監督,太極拳運動是高效率和安全的,並且可以幫助改進許多參數例如身體質量指數、血清脂肪值、高敏感性C反應型蛋白, 氧化壓力指標及生活品質。 週期性監測包括血糖、血壓、心率、呼吸、體重變化和不適症狀可以幫助防止運動傷害。 簡單,柔和的太極拳運動可以作為第二型糖尿病患者即使肥胖也可以進行的每日運動。


Objective: This study aimed to validate the effects of a simplified, gentle form of Tai Chi Chuan in obese type 2 diabetic patients.Design: Randomized, controlled trial. Setting: Department of Metabolism and Endocrinology at Cheng Ching Hospital, Taichung, Taiwan.Subjects: Hospital-based obese type 2 diabetic patients (aged 40-70, BMI 30-35 kgw/m2) were randomly selected and grouped into Tai Chi exercise and conventional exercise groups. Interventions: After receiving instruction in Tai Chi, the Tai Chi group and the conventional exercise group practiced three times a week, including one practice session lasting up to 1 hour, for 12 weeks. Outcome measures: Hemoglobin A1C, serum lipid profile, serum malondialdehyde, and C-reactive protein were measured. Physical parameters of body weight and body mass index were also measured. Diet and medications of participants were monitored carefully as biochemical and physical conditions were analyzed. Results: After 12 weeks, hemoglobin A1C values of the experimental group did not decrease (8.9±2.7%: 8.3±2.2%, P=0.064). Body weight (83.9±4.2 : 82.4±3.2, P=0.022 )and body mass index (33.5±4.8: 31.3±4.2, P=0.038) and serum lipids, including triglyceride (214±47 mg/dL: 171±34 mg/dL, P=0.012) and high density lipoprotein cholesterol (38±16 mg/dL: 45±18 mg/dL, P=0.023) showed significant improvements. Serum malondialdehyde tended to decrease from baseline (2.66±0.78 μmol/L: 2.31±0.55 μmol/L, P=0.035), and C-reactive protein also decreased (0.39±0.19 mg/dL: 0.22±0.15 mg/dL, P=0.014). No improvements were seen in BMI, lipid and oxidative stress profiles in the conventional exercise group. The life quality scores showed some improvements of physiological functions (1.56±0.17 : 1.62±0.20, P=0.038 ) and consensuses of health (1.39±0.35:1.57±0.52,P=0.033)in Tai Chi group. There were also some improvements of consensuses of health(1.39±0.35:1.57±0.52, P=0.033) in the conventional exercise group. Conclusion: Tai Chi exercise practiced by obese diabetic patients is efficient and safe when supervised by professionals and helps to improve parameters such as body mass index, lipid profiles, C-reactive protein, oxidative stress indicators such as malondialdehyde and life quality. Periodic monitoring of blood glucose, blood pressure; heart rate, breathing, physical fitness and symptoms of discomfort of patients who exercise helps to prevent injury. Simple, gentle “Tai Chi exercise” can be applied as regular daily exercise for type 2 diabetic patients even when obese.


