  • 學位論文


A Study on Self-Concept, Learning Attitude, and Employability of the Department of Child Care Students in Technology University

指導教授 : 曾淑惠


本研究旨在探討幼保系學生自我概念、學習態度與就業能力的知覺程度,比較不同背景變項幼保系學生在自我概念、學習態度與就業能力的差異情形,以及驗證幼保系學生自我概念、學習態度與就業能力關係預測模型。研究過程透過相關文獻的蒐集與整理,舉行專家座談會議,採用田納西自我概念量表及編製幼保系學生自我概念、學習態度與就業能力問卷作為研究工具,進行問卷調查,並以描述統計、t考驗、單因子變異數分析、結構方程式等統計方法分析。研究結果歸納如下: 一、幼保系學生在自我概念、學習態度與就業能力大致具中高程度知覺,唯學業工作自我概念呈低度知覺。 二、不同背景變項的幼保系學生在自我概念、學習態度與就業能力部分層面有差異存在:(1)學校背景變項方面:不同學校類型的幼保系學生在自我概念部分層面有差異存在;不同年級與學制、學校區域的幼保系學生在就業能力部分層面有差異存在。(2)個人背景變項方面:不同參與校外打工時間的幼保系學生在自我概念部分層面有差異存在;不同參與社團時間的幼保系學生在學習態度部分層面有差異存在;不同工作經驗、參與校內工讀時間、額外學習時間、學業平均成績、職業定向的幼保系學生在自我概念、學習態度與就業能力部分層面有差異存在。 三、幼保系學生在自我概念、學習態度與就業能力具關係預測模型效果。其中,自我概念對學習態度、自我概念對就業能力、學習態度對就業能力皆具正向直接影響效果,且幼保系學生的自我概念可透過學習態度的中介作用正向影響就業能力。


The purpose of this research was to explore the level of students’ self-concept, learning attitude, and employability for students majoring in department of child care, and to investigate the differences in students’ self-concept, learning attitude, and employability under different variables. Furthermore, it testified the model among self-concept, learning attitude, and employability. This research was grounded on the basis of the literature review, research analysis, and expert symposiums. “The questionnaire of students’ self-concept, learning attitude, and employability in department of child care” was utilized in this study. Using SPSS and Amos, this researcher utilized descriptive statistics, t-tests, one-way ANOVA, and structural equation modeling (SEM) as statistical methods for this study. According to the analytical results, the findings of this research are as follows: 1.Students majoring in childcare revealed middle or higher levels of awareness of their self-concept, learning attitude, and employability; however, they displayed a lower self-concept regarding their academics and work. 2.Students that attended different school type or worked part-time after school showed statistically significant differences in self-concept. Students who participated in extracurricular activities such as student clubs showed statistically significant differences in their learning attitude. Students in different grades and educational systems, and school locations showed statistically significant differences in employability. Students with various work experience, worked part-time while in school, amount of study time, academic record, and vocational orientation showed statistically significant differences in self-concept, learning attitude, and employability. 3.Using SEM, the relationships between self-concept and learning attitude, self-concept and employability, learning attitude and employability were demonstrated to be positive structural relationships. This study also found a mediating role of learning attitude in self-concept and employability.




