  • 學位論文


The Application of Fuzzy Multiple Decision Making Approach for Property Management Tender Selection in Condominium Buildings

指導教授 : 林利國


台灣地狹人稠之特性,使得社區型集合住宅儼然成為人民主要住宅型態,而錯綜複雜的設施與大量的社區行政事務,亦導致社區管理維護多由自行管理改以委託專業物業管理公司執行。物業管理公司評選主要由公寓大廈管委會決議,然其組織成員通常無給職、人數不定且專業背景亦不盡相同,致使評選過程經常缺乏多面向考量抑或過度偏重合約價格。此等決策方式除存有主觀缺陷等疑慮外,更容易產生業者先以低價搶標再伺機牟利等不利於日後管理維護品質之情形;故如何研訂具合理性與客觀性之評選模式,決選出適切之物業管理公司執行社區管理維護事務,促使社區公共事務正常運作、各項設備妥善營運並同時確保住戶居住品質,乃成為社區單位現今刻不容緩的議題。 本研究首先以模糊德爾菲法綜合產業、官方、學術、社區等專家群之多方專業知識判斷,篩選出分屬於業務執行、組織經營、員工素質、顧客滿意及顧客承諾五大層面等20項評選準則,並建構評選網路層級架構;其次以修正式網路程序分析量測各準則於存在相互影響關係下之重要性權值;最後運用多準則妥協解排序法進行物業公司之優劣排序,進而建構物業管理公司評選模式,並以新北市某社區為案例模擬對象,確認其適用性。透過本模式除具有系統化與科學化之決策過程,更提供社區管委會多方具體評估依據,促使評選結果更為理想。


During recent years, the condominium buildings have been rapidly growing and tending to centralize in Taiwan owing to limited land usage and raised population. With regarding complicated inter-structure and public facilities, a great numbers of Home Owner Association (HOA) of condominium building are becoming progressively more depending on specialized property management corporates to implement relevant building maintenance works, as well as ensure facilities’ capacity and enhance living quality. This paper aims to construct a systematic and scientific decision model for property management tender selection by applying hybrid Fuzzy Multiple Criteria Decision Making (FMCDM) algorithms. Through expert opinion questionnaires, five dimensions involved twenty qualitative and quantitative criteria were recognized by Fuzzy Delphi Method (FDM). Moreover, Modified Analytic Network Process (MANP) with Fuzzy Linguistic Preference Relations (Fuzzy LinPreRa) was used to determine the weight of each criterion within the presence of interaction environment. Finally, property management tenders’ ranks were acquired by VIKOR according to their performance of each criterion. Using large-scale condominium as an empirical case to verify the validity and applicability of proposed selection model, the result reveals that proposed model not only can be expected to help HOA to select an optimal property management tender but also can be a great reference for property management tenders to improve or draw up their operation strategies.


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