  • 學位論文


A Study on Career Self-concept of Technical Arts Education Program Students of Junior High Schools in New Taipei City

指導教授 : 張嘉育


本研究主要在瞭解國中技藝教育學程學生生涯自我概念之程度,並探討不同背景變項對國中技藝教育學程學生生涯自我概念程度之差異情形。 以2010(民99)學年度,新北市公立國民中學開設技藝教育學程專班之14所學校,對其該校之專班及非專班學生為主要的研究對象進行調查,採用「國中學生生涯自我概念」調查問卷進行資料收集,共發出問卷1,185份,有效問卷883份,採取百分比、平均數、標準差之描述性統計方法及單一樣本t考驗、獨立樣本t考驗、單因子變數分析之推論性統計,進行資料分析,本研究獲致以下結論: 1.新北市國中技藝教育學程學生具有高於中等程度之生涯自我概念。 2.在班別上,技藝教育學程專班學生在「生涯認識」層面的概念程度高於非專班學生。 3.在參加技藝教育學程原因上,不同參加原因的技藝教育學程學生僅在「生涯能力」及「生涯價值」層面的概念程度達顯著差異。 4.在升學意見參考來源上,技藝教育學程學生在「生涯認識」層面的概念程度有差異,以「自己」組別高於「同學或朋友」組別。 5.在參加職業試探的經驗上,技藝教育學程學生在「生涯認識」層面的概念程度,有參加經驗的學生高於沒有參加經驗的學生。 6.在喜歡的學科領域上,技藝教育學程學生喜歡的學科不同在「生涯抱負」層面的概念程度達顯著差異。


The purpose of this study is to investigate the situation of career self-concept of technical arts education students of junior high schools and discuss the differences of career self-concept of technical arts education students among junior high schools in New Taipei City with diverse backgrounds. The 2010 academic year junior high school students who are majoring in program & non- program of technical arts education in New Taipei City were chosen as participants of this study. 1,185 copies of “ career self-concept of junior high school students ” questionnaires were sent, and 883 valid copies were collected. The data were analyzed by a number of statistical technique. Such as:mean, standard deviation, t-test , one way ANOVA and Scheffe’s method.The conclusions were as follows: 1. The career self-concept of junior high school students who are majoring in technical arts education program in New Taipei City was found higher than medium level. 2. In the factor of class, the career self-concept of technical arts education program students in junior high schools got higher scores on career knowledge than the non-program students. 3. In the factor of participation in technical arts education program reason, the career self-concept of junior high school students with different participating reason had significant difference on career ability and career value. 4. In the factor of career consultation sources, the technical arts education program of junior high school students with different sources were found to have significant difference on career knowledge. 5. In the factor of career research experience, the group who had experience got higher scores on career knowledge than the non-experienced. 6. The technical arts education program of junior high school students with different favored subjects were found to have significant difference on career ambition.


壹、 中文部分


