  • 學位論文


Discussion about the Adjustment Mechanism of Price Fluctuation for Public Construction

指導教授 : 王隆昌


近幾年國際原物料供需失衡,因石油飆漲及鋼鐵漲價等因素導致國內營建材料劇幅漲跌,造成廠商嚴重虧損,而營建工程工期長、廠商承受更多物價風險,長期缺乏一套公平合理的物價調整機制,致工程物價調整爭議事件不斷,主管機關常迫於業者陳情或抗爭情況下頒訂補救措施因應,反覆修改規定,有違政府施政一貫性。 由於營建工程種類繁多,性質各殊,遇有物價劇烈波動,以總指數調整工程款並不適宜所有工程,無法有效降低業主及廠商物價波動風險,而契約範本以個別項目或中分類項目做為調價項目之計算方式過於繁瑣,影響機關選用個別項目或中分類項目,不利於物調機制考量工程差異性,無法防患未然。再者,公共工程計畫因物調預算編列不足造成工程發包不順而流標或進度落後,甚至因廠商嚴重虧損倒閉而延宕工期,每年公共建設因物調預算不足須修正計畫追加經費者不在少數。 有鑑於此,本研究參考一般國際慣用規定,藉由探討現行物價指數調整工程款問題,比較契約範本與FIDIC物調公式差異,整合主計處營造工程物價指數(CCI)計算平台及FIDIC物調公式,利用「公共工程經費電腦估價系統」(PCCES)計算各工程不同權重作為物調基礎,以橋梁工程實例驗算結果,提出計算簡易又不失精度之物調公式,供工程主管機關訂定公平合理物調機制參考。


These years, because of the supply-demand disequilibrium of commodities and price-hikes of petroleum and iron / steel, the price of domestic construction material is increased rapidly, which bring out contractors’ big losses. Besides, contractors are subject to take more risks caused by the long project period. Since the fair and reasonable price-adjusting mechanism is not established, the disputes and claims for compensation happened frequently. Under the pressure of contractors’ pleading and protests, authorities are forced to amend the legulations repeatedly, which violates the consistency of government administration. Due to the wide varieties of construction types, it is improper to apply general price index to adjust contract price for all kinds of construction when encountering big price fluctuation, and the risks between public sectors and contractors can not be effectively reduced either. Nevertheless, using the individual item as the basis of calculating formula for price-adjusting is complex and isn’t accepted by authorities. It is unfavorable in establishing price-adjusting mechanism to consider the differences of construction types. Furthermore, the underestimation of price adjustment by index leads to bidding failure or lag behind schedule, even leads to contractors’ bankruptcy, which results in delay of progress in contruction project and is forced to modify construction plan. For the above reasons, this research takes international rules for reference. By discussing current problem in price adjustment by index, comparing the differences between general contract example and FIDIC formula, and employing CCI provided by DGBAS, a localized formula is constructed. Also, based on the case studies of Bridges construction project, this research proposes an easier price-adjusting formula which meets the acceptable precision in order to develop a fair and reasonable price-adjusting mechanism for authority.


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