  • 學位論文


Conceptual Design of Central Yarn Feeding Mechanisms for Flat Knitting Machines

指導教授 : 徐正會




橫編針織機 離合器 棘爪 棘輪


This research aims to integrate the design of Central Yard Feed Mechanisms with Flat Knitting Machine, which uses a power input mechanism, where the clutch plays an important role. The machine weaves by using the clutch to control how yarn enters the machine and by working with yarn guide bars and yarn guides. Compared with the previous designs, the central yard feeding mechanisms for flat knitting machine is devised to increase the competitive advantage in the market through the same weaving action and simpler structure of the machine. In this research, two ideas, both controlled by the clutch, are designed based on different methods of controlling how yarn goes into the machine. The first method uses pawls and ratchets as the major structure of the clutch, and the second method uses the yarn guides and the clutch to control the contact between the block and the clutch. A wide range of patents and references were collected and analyzed to find out the strengths and weaknesses of each design. The function of the current size central yard feed mechanisms for flat knitting machine is improved trough two new and innovative methods. The above two methods were verified through motion simulation and the interference check by CAD software.


Flat knitting machine clutch pawl ratchet


6. Flat knitting machine ,U.S., A1483391。
1. 紡拓會全球資訊網,經濟數據。網址:http://www.textiles.org.tw/,2014年4月擷取。
2. 國立科學工藝博物館,網址:http://www.nstm.gov.tw,2014年4月擷取。
3. 勝美機械股份有限公司,橫編針織機。網址:http://tw.asiamachinery.net/,2014年4月擷取。
4. 佰龍機械廠股份有限公司,橫編針織機。網址:http://www.pailung.com.tw/,2014年4月擷取。
