  • 學位論文


A Study on the Relationships among Work Environment Factors, Motivation to Transfer, and Transfer of Training in Color Imaging Industry

指導教授 : 林宜玄


教育訓練的主要目的在協助員工發展技術及能力,當他們應用在工作時,能夠提昇一般工作表現,不過,員工的學習必須要產生遷移,否則對組織的價值不高;顯然,訓練遷移是教育訓練成果重要的一環。事實上,遷移動機是參訓者在工作中使用教育訓練所學知能的慾望,對個人參訓後的行為遷移具有強大的影響力。然而,除了遷移動機會影響員工訓練遷移外,工作環境因素亦會影響遷移的成敗,Noe與Holton的模式均曾提及,環境因素會影響員工的遷移動機,而遷移動機攸關訓練後的個人遷移表現,遷移動機似乎在工作環境與訓練遷移間扮演中介變項的角色,然而仍缺乏相關實證研究的驗證。   本研究採用問卷調查法,以影像顯示產業接受專業職能教育訓練課程,累計時數6小時以上的在職員工為調查對象,總計發放610份問卷,回收219份,有效問卷218份,有效問卷回收率為35.7%。本研究獲致下列結論: 一、工作環境因素與訓練遷移動機有正向關係,其中以回饋與變革接受度較為顯著。 二、訓練遷移動機與訓練遷移有正向關係。 三、工作環境因素與訓練遷移有正向關係,其中以主管與同儕支持、回饋以及變革接受度較為顯著。 四、訓練遷移動機對工作環境因素與訓練遷移之關係,具有部分中介效果。


The fundamental purpose of training is to help employees develop skills and abilities which, when applied at work, will enhance their average job performance. However, employees’ learning must lead to transfer, or it is of little value to the organizations. In fact, motivation to transfer can be described as the trainee's desire to use the knowledge and skills mastered in the training program on the job, and it has a strong impact on behavior change. Moreover, work environment factors can influence employees’ transfer of training. According to Noe and Holton, work environment factors affect employee’s motivation to transfer, which is critical to the employee’s performance after job training. Motivation to transfer thus seems to be a mediating variable between work environment and transfer of training. This argument, however, still lacks empirical study to support it. This study adopts survey research method. Sixty-one organizations of color imaging industry are invited to the study. Employees participating on-the-job-training from August, 2007 through January, 2008 and accumulating at least 6 training hours fill out the questionnaires. 219 copied questionnaires out of 610 are collected. Among these, 218 are effective. The return rate of effective questionnaire is 35.7%. The results of the investigation reveal: 1. Work environment factors have a positive impact on employee’s motivation to transfer. Feedback and openness to change present significant factors. 2. Employee’s motivation to transfer has a positive impact on transfer of training. 3. Work environment factors have a positive impact on transfer of training. Among the factors, the support from supervisors and peers, feedback, and openness to change are significant. 4. Employee’s motivation to transfer has partial mediating effect between work environment factors and transfer of training.


