  • 學位論文


The Application of Safety Management Using WSN Technology in Construction

指導教授 : 林祐正


隨著時代的演進,資訊科技在營建施工上扮演著一個不可或缺的角色,而在工地現場經常發生工安意外,各個危險區域施工地點常因地點環境惡劣且有突發狀況的發生,易造成人員意外發生。無線感測器網路(Wireless Sensor Network)具備感測、處理及傳輸等功能,利用多點跳躍傳輸之特性於工地中各危險區域佈署無線感測器,在工地現場建構一個無線網路的區域環境提供即時資訊的傳輸。本研究在感測器部分使用氣體感測器來對隧道施工區域進行氣體的監測並以無線傳輸之方式傳至基地台之節點自動記錄所擷取之資訊,在工程人員進出地下施工時,事前可以確認地下氣體濃度是否達到標準確保進入時的安全,施工當中有突發狀況時會立即發出警訊提示避難之動作。本研究結合無線感測器網路建構一套環境監測系統提供使用者查詢地下環境的狀況及當有異常狀況生時立即發出警示訊息,地上之管理人員在工務所便可使用電腦及相關設備在後端資訊系統部分取得即時的資訊,以便於掌握不易管理之區域及保障人員生命安全。本研究透過實際案例的導入加以分析及歸納無線感測網路應用於隧道施工之效益及困難,做為未來實際工程應用之參考。


Information technology is a good approach for the implementing of project management. Accidents occurred in construction site, because human have not high regarding to the gas sensitivity. It is not continuous to monitor the thickness of gas, when the gas thickness is rise then the accident is easy to happen. Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) is used in construction site to monitor gas information to enable managers to handle the status of safety of the construction site, and it provide several functions to get this target of safety. These function includes sensor function, processor function, and communication function. In this study, managers and engineers can use developed WSN-based system to inquire about gas information. When the gas thickness is more than gas standard, the sensor will send warning message to system and sensor will make the voice for warn in construction site. When accidents occurred, rescue personnel can apply WSN-based system to inquire and rescue quickly, the manager can effectively manage and monitor the situation of construction site via the WSN-based system.


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