  • 學位論文


A Study on Brand Equity, Brand Strategy, Channel Strategy and Channel Performance–An Empirical Investigation of the Exquisite Mobile Phone

指導教授 : 胡同來


行動通訊為目前全球熱門產業之ㄧ,日新月異研發最新技術,但科技的進步卻像是供給過於需求,第三代行動電話尚未普及深入民眾生活,三點五代行動電話卻已呼之欲出。毫無疑問,科技一定要前進,但是發展方向有考慮到人們真正的需求嗎?每每操作標榜功能強大的行動電話,都讓人有種挫折感,彷彿智慧手機真的比人還要有智慧。 同時間,也看到風靡全球的超薄手機,宣傳上都不強調它的功能,只用剃刀的形象凸顯輕薄,此舉不但創下全球熱賣,也帶起一股手機「瘦身」的設計風潮,就連被認為功能與機身大小成正比的PDA手機也逃不過這股流行。 手機正走入精品化,品牌與通路的價值就會越來越受重視,理由無他,就像購買精品背包般,不可能花大錢去路邊攤買盜版背包。精品的品牌就是血統證明,選購地點就是開啟無窮想像的那扇門。因此,本研究探討品牌權益、品牌策略、通路策略對通路績效之研究,以精品化手機為實證。 本研究將經由相關文獻探討,整合過去學者著作及相關研究,以台灣地區台北市消費者為研究對象,透過問卷調查法,並以LISREL線性結構模式探討:在品牌策略與通路策略下,品牌權益的影響以及品牌權益對通路績效所產生之影響。


Mobile Telecommunication industry is the one of most popular industry in the world now. We have the advanced technology, but the supply seems much more than the demand. The next generation of mobile communications, High Speed Download Packet Access, is coming to the market, yet people haven’t completly accepted the third generation of mobile communications. Undoubtedly, we need the new technology to improve our life. However, is the development on the right way? Since the cell phone is more powerful, it’s also more complicated. At the same time, thin and light cell phone is the main stream to the current market. They don’t emphasize the function, but the shape. This concept not only brings a huge sales volume, but creates the new trend of the appearance design, even the PDA. The trend is the cell phone with the more and more exquisite appearance. Furthermore, the brand and the channel are more and more important. The reason is that people never buy a brand bag from street vendors. The brand is a certificate to luxury goods. And the shop can create some atmosphere to support it. On the basis of the analytical framework and the developed operational model, the primary data are collected through a questionnaires survey from the Exquisite Mobile Phone dealers in Taiwan to carry out the empirical test. The important findings are: 1.There is a significant, positive correlation between Brand Equity and Brand Strategy. 2.There isn’t a significant, positive correlation between Brand Equity and Channel Strategy. 3.There is a significant, positive correlation between Brand Strategy and Channel Strategy. 4.There is a significant, positive correlation between Channel Strategy and Channel Performance. 5.There is a significant, positive correlation between Brand Equity and Channel Performance 6.There is a significant, positive correlation between Brand Strategy and Channel Performance The survey takes the Exquisite Mobile Phone sales as an example to discover the relationships in different variables. Contributions of the findings are to provide business marketing strategy and managing brands.


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