  • 學位論文


Reading SHE-ZI Island - From Culture Landscape Transform into Regional Characteristics

指導教授 : 林靜娟 殷寶寧


民國五十九年,社子島因為淡水河、基隆河的堤防興建而被劃定為滯洪區,從此背負著「禁建」的枷鎖至今,將近四十年來,社子島的地景樣貌與堤防外的台北市呈現極端的對比,傳統的聚落與地景樣貌是台北市邊緣的弔詭存在。然而近年來,隨著「台北市士林社子島地區主要計畫案」的逐步成形暨定案,社子島即將面臨的是對當地社會、文化脈絡的斷層及消滅之危機,因為限制發展所意外保留下來的聚落文化、在地情感價值與地理風貌,都可能因為都市計畫的過程而成為只供回憶的歷史片段。 本研究以文化地景做為地方性格的表徵,是因為文化地景是由特定的歷史脈絡、事件所形塑於外的表現,因此本文以文化地景作為閱讀地方的媒介,從圖像式擷取(地圖與照片)文化地景,分析文化地景的發展脈絡、文化體與地景特色,建構具地方感的文化地景價值,進而從文化地景當中提取共同的精神象徵---地方感,而後從空間、情感、信仰、產業與河域文化方面分析由文化地景中所解讀而得的社子島地域性特色,並提出社子島地域性的保存原則,並用以檢討「台北市士林社子島地區主要計畫案」對社子島所造成的影響,提出一個以地域性為本位的保存構想。在全球化不斷同化地區環境的現代,本研究希望藉由地域性帶動地方性格的重塑、主體機能的需求與確立,以朝向時代精神為目的之水域地域性論點對抗都市更新下對地方文化的衝擊,在社子島這個特殊環境面對全面開發與地域性精神永續、再生兩者之間覓得溝通平台。


地域性 文化地景 社子島 地方感


In 1970 due to the construction of the embankment of Tamsui River and Keelung River, SHE-ZI Island was designated as a flood area, in which no building development was allowed. For nearly 40 years, the landscapes of SHE-ZI Island have stood in sharp contrast to the skylines of Taipei City off the embankment. Conventional clusters and cultural landscapes form a mysterious demarcation that defines the outskirt of the metropolitan area. In recent years as “Taipei City Government Major Development Project for SHE-ZI Island, Shilin” began to take shape, SHE-ZI Island is faced with the danger of being estranged from local societies/cultures. The cluster cultures, local emotional values and geographic features of SHE-ZI Island accidentally preserved as a result of development restrictions may all become a historical moment for reminiscing because of the urban planning process. This study identifies cultural landscape as representation of local characteristics because cultural landscape is the manifestation of specific historic pulsation and events. It treats cultural landscape as a medium for reading a place. From image extraction (maps and photos) of a cultural landscape, it analyzes the development, cultural bodies and features of the cultural landscape and establish cultural landscape values of local identification. From cultural landscapes it extracts common spiritual symbol – local identification and then dissects local characteristics of SHE-ZI Island through interpretation of cultural landscapes from the perspective of space, emotion, religious belief, industry and river basin cultures. It proposes regional preservation principles for SHE-ZI Island, examines the impact of “Taipei City Government Major Development Project for SHE-ZI Island, Shilin” on SHE-ZI Island accordingly, and presents a region-based preservation concept. At a time when globalization continue to assimilate regional environment, this study attempts to identification a communication platform between comprehensive development and sustainable regeneration of regional spirit facing the unique setting of SHE-ZI Island through reshaping of local characteristics motivated by regional transformation and verification of the function and requirement of the subject, so a regional aquatic zone argument that is in line with contemporary trend may to presented to counter the impact of urban renewal on local cultures.


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