  • 學位論文


Based On The Example Of Fire Escape : The Research And Creation Work Of The Educational Game Of Disaster Prevention

指導教授 : 吳可久 曹筱玥


遊戲式學習一直以來都有很廣泛的應用,且隨著數位科技的進步,遊戲式學習也跟著數位化,並在不同領域上發揮其成效。在人類文明不斷進步的現今,災害也一直存在於我們的生活中,而防災教育的發展就是為了減少災害帶來的影響。其中火災與我們人類可謂關係密切,因為人類在面對火災時會有非常多種的避難傾向發生,且每個人的逃生決策方式也不盡相同。基於上述理由,研究者欲結合火災逃生和防災教育,創作一款火災逃生之教育遊戲。   教育遊戲的目的雖然是傳遞教育知識,但其本質還是一款遊戲,因此運用遊戲有趣的特性來引發學習才是合理的設計方向。本創作之遊戲除了隱含火場逃生的相關知識外,還必須讓使用者覺得好玩。故在本創作中所開發的火場逃生決策遊戲《FIRExESCAPE》,提供給使用者的不單單是和遊戲之間的互動,而是描述多種真實逃生環境或是逃生條件讓使用者進行決策。使用者就必須承受決策後的結果並找出平衡點來迎接挑戰,且好玩的遊戲還可以讓不同個性的使用者採取不同的決策方式。本創作便是基於這樣的理念發展這款遊戲。最後再根據使用者評估和觀察的結果來整理歸納本遊戲的創作要點,並且提出可能的發展或建議供相關領域的創作者作為參考依據。


Game-based learning has been very widely used, and with technology keeps improving and digital, Game-based learning is also and continued to play on the different domains. Today, in continuous progress of human civilization, disasters have been with humans, so prevention education will be developed. In all disasters, fire most closely with humans. When a fire occurs, there will be many tendencies to refuge by humans and each person's decision-making are not the same. Therefore, the researcher combined the fire escape and education, creates the educational games about fire escape.   In theory, the purpose of educational games is to instruct users in educational knowledge, but the essence is still a game, using features of game such as fun and interesting, designed to guide learning just is a good direction. The creation of the game in addition to implying knowledge about fire escape, it must also let the users have fun. So in this creation was developed the game in decision-making about fire escape named《FIRExESCAPE》, it not only provides interaction between users and game but also describes a variety of real situations about fire escape or a variety of conditions that allow the users making decisions, the user must accepts the results after made decisions and strikes the balance toward challenge in game. In short, fun game also allows users of different personality to take different decision-making. The creation work of the game is based on this concept and was developed. Finally, according to the result of the usability evaluation and observation to sum main points up of this creation, and propose possible development and suggestions provide related fields of creators as reference.


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