  • 學位論文


A Study of Gender Difference in Co-benefit of Air Pollution Reduction by Air Resource Co-benefit Model

指導教授 : 曾昭衡


本研究在空氣資源整合效益模型的基礎上建立性別差異模型,首先蒐集村里人口資料,與國內外指標污染物對於性別之流行病學及溫室氣體減量之相關文獻。確立減量政策及技術情境之空氣污染物減量,以羅貝克模式理論建立排放量與濃度之關係。建立性別、疾病與過早死亡之指標污染物與健康之量化方式,以空氣資源整合效益模型(ARCoB Model)評估指標污染物對性別之減量效益,並使用地理資訊系統呈現和成本效益分析。 本研究以北部空品區-捷運取代車輛、中部空品區-火力電廠燃煤改燃氣及高屏空品區-電弧爐節能案例,假設案例減量後之指標污染物及溫室氣體對於性別之影響,結果為捷運案例男性減少壽命損失及醫療成本526.8 億元/年,女性為130.0 億元/年;火力案例男性為3.3 億元/年,女性為6.5 億元/年;電弧爐案例男性為0.2 億元/年,女性為0.4 億元/年;案例減少空品區避免過早死亡,捷運、火力及電弧爐案例男性:638、10及0.7 人,女性:287、18及1.4 人;GHG減量之各部門減少災損總額捷運、火力及電弧爐案例分別為10.5、243.5及22.3 億元/年。成本效益分析結果益本比的部分,捷運案例之整體社會益本比有4.21,捷運案例之民眾有10.90,火力案例有1.10,電弧爐案例有33.64;益本差的部分,捷運案例之整體社會益本差為531.61,捷運(民眾)為633.40,火力為24.13,電弧爐為30.68。


GIS AERMOD 捷運 火力發電 電弧爐 成本效益分析


This study established the model of Air Resource Co-Benefits for gender. First, we collected Taiwan village population data with air pollutants, gender for Epidemiology and greenhouse gas reduction of the reference. Assume the air pollutant reduction of the policy and technical context. Use Rollback model to build relationships with the concentration and emissions. Air Resource Co-Benefits model (ARCoB Model) evaluation index air pollutants reduction with gender, and used geographic information system and cost-benefit analysis. The scope of this study was estimated the cost and benefits for reducing emissions of Criteria Air Pollutants (CAPs), Green House Gas (GHG) and Gender which were assumed in three scenarios, MRT, Taiwan Energy Sector and Iron and Steel Industry.The results of MRT, the additional internal costs (capital cost + fuel cost) in three scenarios were estimated for male NT$ 52.7 billion/year, for female NT$ 13.0 billion/year. Taiwan Energy Sector was estimated for male NT$ 0.3 billion/year, for female NT$ 0.6 billion/year. Iron and Steel Industry was estimated for male NT$ 0.02 billion/year, for female NT$ 0.04 billion/year.


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