  • 學位論文


Greenhouse Gas Reduction Planning and Management Strategies in Low-Carbon City─A Case Study on County A, Taiwan

指導教授 : 章裕民


城市為溫室氣體重要的排放來源,現今溫室氣體減量已成為全球共同推動之目標,故構築「低碳城市」(Low Carbon Cities, LCC)已蔚為一股世界新風潮,各地方政府推動低碳城市冀能以最大限度減少城市溫室氣體的排放,同時掌握正確的排放量推估,進一步規劃相關管制策略。 本研究依據政府間氣候變化專家委員會(Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, IPCC)之「溫室氣體統計初步準則」為參考基準,推估A縣市各部門的CO2排放量,且針對A縣市CO2總排放量與人均值作國家與縣市別比較,並給予各部門CO2減量建議措施。研究結果得知,2008年台灣CO2總排放量為261.97百萬公噸,此與美國(5711.76百萬公噸)、中國(6362.23百萬公噸)及日本(1153.67百萬公噸)等國相比,其排放量依序為中國>美國>日本>台灣。再則,本研究推估得知2008年A縣市總排放量為4.85百萬公噸;此與台北縣(19.17百萬公噸)、台中縣(35.76百萬公噸)及高雄市(57.06百萬公噸)相比發現,其總排放量依序為高雄市>台中縣>台北縣>A縣市。就每人每年CO2平均值而言,世界各國排序為美國>台灣>日本>中國;而國內各縣市部份,則為高雄市>台中縣>A縣市>台北縣;藉由推估結果,並運用多準則決策分析方法(Multi-Criteria Analysis,MCA)擬定A縣市可行管制措施之建議及透過專家問卷針對擬定措施進行權重加總,藉以優選出5項具潛力之措施減量成效評估分析,最後案例探討結果發現,以2010年為基準年,採取具潛力措施後,CO2總排放量可由原先的2,620公斤/年,降為1,867公斤/年,降幅可高達29%。


City is one important origina for greenhouse gas emissions. The decrement of greenhouse gas has become the goal of the global impetus nowadays; therefore, developing “Low Carbon Cities” (LCC) has also been a new trend to the world. Local authorities promote low-carbon city to be able to manimize the emissions of greenhouse gas in the city, and meanwhile to estimate the correct emiisions in order to work on related management strategies. This study is based on “IPCC Draft Guidelines for National Gree-house Gas Inventories” from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), to estimate the CO2 emissions of each department in A county, and therefore to make the comparison between the CO2 emissions of A county and its population mean values as well as the CO2 emissions of A county and other countries in order to provide advice on decrement of CO2 for each department. From the past studies, in Taiwan the total CO2 emissions was 261.97 million tons in 2008 which is less than Japan (1153.67 million tons), United States (5711.76 million tons), and China (6362.23 million tons). Moreover, the total CO2 emissions in A county was estimated for 4.85 million tons in 2008, which is the least compared with Taipei county (19.17 million tons), Taichung county (35.76 million tons), and Kaohsiung city (57.06 million tons) In an order of CO2 emissions each person per year in the world, it ranks: United States > Taiwan > Japan > China; in Taiwan area, it ranks: Kaohsiung city > Taichung county > A county > Taipei county. Accordingly, A county can carry out a final evaluation of contral plan based on the estimated data and questionnaires from experts. Top 5 potential management strategies on decrement of emissions can be therefore selected. As a result, taking 2010 as the base year, we adopt the most potential plans, so the total CO2 emissionscan be reduced up to 29% from 2,620 kilos per year to 1,867 kilos per year.


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