  • 學位論文

全球供應鏈管理之國外供應商評選 準則研究-以智慧型手機製造業為例

Foreign Supplier Evaluation in Global Supply Chain Management: The Study of Smart Phone Industry

指導教授 : 王維康


本研究之目的在於建構出我國智慧型手機製造產業供應鏈體系國外廠商選廠準則之研究,期能提供給該產業做為國外供應商選廠的一個準則目標,不再單純只以價格競標的傳統方式做為選擇依據。 本研究首先透過文獻整理出國內外有關供應商評選準則之研究項目,歸納5項主要評選構面,分別為品質、成本、關係、交期、技術能力,及25項評量準則,最後再分別針對智慧型手機製造業之採購部門為對象,進行模糊德菲法(Fuzzy Delphi Method)與層級分析(AHP)重要性相對權重問卷分析法,建構出各項評量準則相對權重。 在評量構面5項中,以「技術能力構面」所佔權重最高,其次依序是「品質構面」、「成本構面」、「交期構面」,最後是「關係構面」。在評量準則19項中,以「創新能力」所佔權重最高,其次依序是「品質政策」、「服務品質」、「產品成本」、「設計能力」等。 因此透過本研究的層級權重分析法,可做為智慧型手機製造產業將來在進行國外供應商選廠時多方面的考量。最後的目的是希望為國內智慧型手機製造產業的供應鏈體系作一個貢獻。


The purpose of this study is to provide the smart phone industry with the foreign supplier selection criterion needed to develop an effective supply chain for Taiwan’s smart phone industry. Through this current study of modeling the foreign supplier selection criteria, the price will never be the only element for the supplier selection. Based on the available reports about the supplier selection criterion, the Fuzzy Delphi Technique method is adopted to study and make questionnaire surveys with experienced experts and senior managers as many as possible throughout Taiwan’s smart phone industry. From the questionnaire results obtained, five major criteria and twenty five secondary criteria were respectively proposed. The major criteria include quality, cost, relationship, delivery and technology capability. Based on the obtained major criteria, a second questionnaire was prepared and filled out by the smart phone industry experts. Finally, the questionnaire data were analyzed by using the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) method. The relative weightings of each criterion are acquired accordingly. From the analyzed results, the smart phone industry experts have the strong preference on the “technology capability” and the “quality”being the higher weighting levels among the rest major criteria. While the “cost” is placed at the third, the remaining are followed by “delivery”and “relationship”. Based on the major criteria obtained, using the AHP method for present study has also provided multiple considerations for the foreign supplier selection for setting up a supply chain reference of smart phone industry in Taiwan.


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