  • 學位論文


Research on the Influences of Personality Traits of Intemal-Extemal Controland Paternalistic Leadership to Job Performance– A Case Study of a Bank

指導教授 : 陳家祥


企業經營的成敗與組織成員有密不可分的關係,任何工作任務的達成均須透過組織成員共同來完成,非經營者或少數高階主管所能完成,因此,全體員工執行成效的良莠就是組織績效的整體表現。企業在人力資源管理上必須先了解每位員工的人格特質,讓每位員工的個人特質都有最佳的場所可以發揮,再運用最能激發他們的領導方法來協助並激發他們的潛能,引導組織成員提升工作績效表現,進而促進企業創造卓越之經營績效。 本研究乃以台灣某銀行從業人員為研究對象,採用問卷調查方式,探討內外控人格特質與家長式領導對工作績效之影響,共發出257份問卷,回收237份,剔除填答不完整之無效問卷16份,有效問卷共計221份,有效回收率為85.99%。將所蒐集到的問卷使用SPSS12.0中文版進行描述性統計及線性迴歸等資料分析。 研究結果發現內控人格特質,相對於外控人格特質,會有較好之工作績效表現,及仁慈領導會強化內控人格特質的員工之工作績效,兩者均呈現顯著正相關。其他如威權領導與德行領導對內控人格特質的員工之工作績效無顯著的影響。另外,威權領導、仁慈領導與德行領導對外控人格特質的員工之工作績效,也無顯著之影響。最後研究者依據實證結果提出管理的建議與後續研究的建議。


The success of business operating and organization members were closely related, the achievement of any task required to complete through the organization members, so the staff performance was decided by the overall behaviour of organization achievements. We must first understand the personality of each employee in the human resources management, so that each employee's special personal qualities could be developed in his best work place , we could inspire their potential enerage to use the best work style ,to guide organization members to enhance job performance ,and thus to create superior operating performance for the company. This study focused on the bank’s employees in Taiwan as subjects. Questionnaires were used to explore the impact between personality traits of intemal-extemal control, paternalistic leadership and job performance. 257 questionnaires were sent , and 237 of them were collected. After discarding 16 incomplete responese as invalid, 221 valid questionnaires remained. The effective response rate was 85.99 %. The questionnaires collected were then analyzed using SPSS 12.0 ( Chinese Version) for data analyses including description statistics and linear regression. The results indicated that the personality traits of internal control compared with the personality traits of external control, the former would be a better of job performance, the job performance of the personality traits of internal control could be strengthened by the benevolence leadership , both of them indicated a significant positive corelation .The job performance of the personality traits of internal control compared with the authoritarianism leadership and the virtuous leadership,there would not be a significant influence. Moreover, the job performance of the personality traits of external control compared with the authoritarianism leadership、the virtuous leadership and the benevolence leadership,there would not be a significant influence. Finally, suggestions for management and recommendations for future research were presented.


20.周惠莉 (2003) ,「五大人格特質、性別角色與轉換型領導關聯


