  • 學位論文


Using the Six Sigma Management Methodology to Enhance the Quality of Customized Product Packaging: Corrugated Carton Folding Force Improvement as an Example

指導教授 : 陳以明


誠如蘋果電腦創辦人賈柏斯的名言:「產品的魅力,從你拿到盒子的那一刻開始!」。由此可知,消費者對於產品外在的觀感深深受到外包裝盒所影響。傳統包材中的瓦楞紙箱也被視為取決影響產品第一映像的重要因子,隨著企業對於品質要求不斷的提升,成本控制的前提下,如何達到高品質、低成本的目標被紙器業界視為首要工作之一。 本研究以紙器製造廠為背景,依據個案公司被客訴最多的瓦楞紙箱的罫線強度(Folding Force)品質問題做為改善重點,以六標準差(Six Sigma)管理手法的流程步驟DMAIC,針對瓦楞紙箱罫線強度的品質改善,首先找出關鍵品質特性、衡量量測系統及製程能力,歸納出影響的關鍵因子,再利用實驗設計(Design of Experiments, DOE)進行實驗,找出最佳製程參數組合,再利用求得的最佳製程參數條件組合進行驗證。其改善效益預估分析每年約可節省新台幣187.1萬元,顯示本研究利用六標準差手法對於改善瓦楞紙箱罫線強度品質有顯著效果。


According to the famous words of Apple Computer founder, Steve Jobs: “The charisma of the product begins from the moment you are in possession of the box!” Therefore, it is evident that consumers’ perceptions towards products are deeply influenced by exterior packaging. Conventional packaging material such as corrugated carton is also deemed as a crucial factor in shaping the first impression of a product. Under the prerequisite of enterprises’ incessant demands for quality and cost control, how to attain the objective of high quality and low cost has become one of the primary tasks in the paper product industry. The research focuses on the background of a paper product plant, where emphasis has been placed on improving the quality of the folding force of corrugated cartons, which has received the most complaints in the firm under study. By employing DMAIC of the Six Sigma methodology, the key product characteristics, measurement system and production capability are determined, targeting the quality improvement of corrugated cartons’ folding force quality. Thereafter, the influential factors are established before the Design of Experiments (DOE) is used to determine the most ideal combination of production parameters. Verifications are conducted on the most ideal production parameter combinations. This methodology is estimated to save NT$1.871 million in terms of improvement benefits, indicating that the Six Sigma Methodology adopted by the study has significant effects in terms of improving the corrugated cartons’ folding force quality.


Corrugated carton folding force Six Sigma DOE


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