  • 學位論文


The Study of Manufacturing Systems Integration and User Preferences

指導教授 : 徐旭昇


由於科技產業追求創新,企業也追尋永久經營的理念,所應用的系統也隨著企業擴大而越來越顯得重要。雖然現階段很多系統可以透過外包,請廠商根據所需要的需求而提供適當的系統,但仍然有不少企業因商業機密,系統必須由公司自行開發。自行開發的系統好處在於具有彈性,隨時可根據需求而變更流程或是應用。另一方面因開發人員亦屬於同一家公司,因此更能夠透過內部及時的溝通而提供更合用的系統。 本研究在研究某公司(以下簡稱A公司)於TFT-LCD製造體系中,在面對生產線的製造系統須互相整合的情況下,使用者對於製造系統的整合有哪些觀點以及偏好。並透過層級程序分析法歸納出各構面以及偏好屬性權重後,再利用TOPSIS法進行排序分析,以供後續製造業之系統開發人員做參考方向。 透過發放問卷分析結果,A方案最為使用者所偏好。尤其在服務品質方面更勝於系統品質與資訊品質。因此在本研究中,若要進行製造系統整合,將以A方案的系統架構為改善基準,並於服務品質方面加強。


Nowadays, innovation is crucial to a company’s long term competitiveness and survival. Information technology (IT) system becomes increasingly significant as company grows in scale. Although many IT systems can be outsourced, there are still many systems that must be developed by the company itself due to confidential considerations. In addition, one major advantage of an IT system developed by the company is flexibility. Such a system can be easily modified to adapt to new environments, since the system developers are also the company’s employees. These conditions will provide better communication among departments of the company, and produce a much more customized system. This research considers a problem of manufacturing system integration faced by a TFT-LCD manufacturer in Taiwan. Management must identify which factors should be taken into account when integrating the current manufacturing systems, so that production and operational efficiency can be greatly improved. The research proposes a model combining analytic hierarchy process (AHP) and TOPSIS to evaluate three alternatives, namely A, B, and C, of integrating the manufacturing systems. In the model, the AHP criteria structure was constructed by collecting the opinions of the case company decision makers and the system users. After calculating the relative weights of the criteria, the system users are requested to provide their preferences on the three alternatives under different criteria. The results indicate that alternative A is the most favored, and the criterion “service quality” is superior to the other two criteria, “system quality” and “information quality”. As a consequence, the study recommends that the case company adopt alternative A as the framework to integrate its manufacturing systems, and should focus more on service quality.


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