  • 學位論文


An Application of Fuzzy AHP to Measure Sta Evaluation

指導教授 : 龐金宗


「先找對人」是個非常簡單的想法,然而,卻是一件不容易做到的事次在評鑑人格 特質時,所考量的範圍通常是多方面的,也就是說須同時考量多重特質,且不易 量化。所以,如何建立一評鑑模式,來輔助主管來評估適當之面試者,實為一重 要課題。 本研究收集業界資深主管與人員的觀點來瞭解徵選測試人員的考量,透過五 大人格特質,再經由模糊層級分析法計算不同觀點的差異來評估對於該職位所需 的特質,進而發現適合的人才給予適當職位來協助公司。 在經過專家們腦力激盪後以及在整個層級分析法結構中,經過評分比較後以 具備適應力、主動性以及壓力承受,為考量測試工程師時的三項依據,本研究並 依此結果提出結論和建議。謹以此研究提供給學子,教育單位和業界三方做為參 考依據。


“Finding the right person” is easier said than done. There are numerous considerations regarding to the evaluation of personality traits as well as multiple characteristics. Therefore, establishing an evaluation model to assist managers for quick and reliable interviews turns out to be an important topic. By collecting viewpoints from senior managers and leaders, we practice the five personality traits and utilize Fuzzy AHP method to calculate the differences of valuable viewpoints to assess the qualities required for potential engineers, and then assign fitting positions to each individual. After the brainstorming from experts in the industry and the established structure of the entire analytic hierarchy, we extract three reliable items, i.e., adaptability, initiatives and pressure endurance as the basic recommendations and considerations for testing engineers. I would like to contribute this study as a reference for students, educational institutions and work force.


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