  • 學位論文


Product Function Oriented Green Design Assessment and Green Manufacturing Analysis

指導教授 : 鄭元杰


隨著3C電子產品的製造技術逐漸進步,產品的功能也越來越多元化,相較於傳統的產品,已從單一化轉變為多功能產品。站在企業的立場,賺取最高利潤以及降低成本是很重要的目標,由於環保意識的抬頭,各國也相繼成立相關環保法規,因此綠色產品設計是不可或缺的。當企業設計一項具有競爭性的產品,必須同時在設計、環保以及低成本三大層面都要兼顧。 目前綠色問題之研究大多以環境評估因素選擇供應商,或是針對產品拆解及回收較多著重,鮮少研究探討如何評估及選擇在設計時可替代之原物料及相關替代製程技術,且整合設計、環保及成本三層面之研究也鮮少探討。因此本研究針對電子產品設計階段,在產品的功能選擇上進行評估,以綠色成本最小化,將每個產品零件進行綠色原物料選擇及綠色製程規劃。第一階段利用德菲法及層級分析法求算功能重要性之權重;第二階段藉由數學規劃計算綠色成本並加以分析與評估。最後,透過實例驗證本研究提出之功能選擇之設計決策,並探討產品零件所選擇的綠色原物料與製程,提供未來對於電子產品設計進行評估之依據。


As the manufacturing technology of 3C electronic products progresses the functions of the product are more and more diversified. Compared to traditional ones, the new products have been transformed into multi-function products instead of single function. On the enterprise’s side, maximizing profits and reducing costs are very important objectives. With the rise of environmental consciousness, there are more and more countries adopting policies on sustainability. Therefore, the green design is indispensable. When industries design competing goods, they must also consider the design, environmental friendly and low-cost perspectives. Few studies of green design focus on reducing pollutions from material selection and manufacturing. Furthermore, it also has few studies focus on the integration of design, environmental protection and cost. This study therefore focuses on the designing of electronic commodities to assess the selection of existing article's functions. Under the minimization of green cost, it selects the green raw materials and plans green manufacturing process for every component of the product. The first stage uses Delphi method and AHP to evaluate the weight of functional importance. The second stage combines the result of the first stage and establishes a mathematical model for function assessment and green cost evaluating. Finally, this research uses two examples to verify the feasibility of the functional decision model. Designer can also use this method to assess the design of the electronic goods in the future.


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