  • 學位論文


A Study of Possibility of the Enterprises' Green Design Management

指導教授 : 劉大昌教授


全球產業與產品資訊化的過程中,綠色環保的觀念逐步重視,地球也因開發過渡環境逐漸被破壞。企業生產的產品從製造到報廢,都與產品設計有著相當大的關係。若能在產品製造之初-產品設計階段,能有一套完整的預防措施與規劃。日後將可降低對環境生態所產生的污染及危害,也可提升台灣的國際形象與環保地位。 國際間許多國家皆有相關的環保法規,而國內企業對環保規範卻未有一套標準可依循。若能夠將國際間環保需求與法規,整合成一套「綠色設計管理標準」,將可對國內企業多所貢獻。 因此,本研究係以專家訪談與情境分析,來探討企業是否需要建構一套「綠色設計管理標準」來做為企業與政府推動環保權之依據。進而推導出「綠色設計管理流程」之先期架構。此標準流程除可作為企業具體推動環保觀念、減低企業經營成本與風險、更可促使企業有效的管理及利用綠色環保,強化競爭能力及提升產業競爭力,同時建議主管機關(經濟部標準檢驗局)制訂為中國國家標準(China National Standards,CNS)規範,甚至推廣至國際上。


During the process of global industry and product cybernation, the notion of green environment protection is gradually getting emphasized while the earth is damaged by degrees for the sake of overexploitation. The product of enterprise has great connection with the product design from its manufacturing stage to its obsolescence. If at the beginning of product's manufacturing - the stage of product design, a whole set of precautions and plans are made in advance, its pollution and damage to the ecology could be lessened and Taiwan's national image could be promoted. Many countries have the related laws to the environmental protection while the enterprises in our country have no standard to follow. If we could integrate the internationally environmental needs and rules into a whole set of "Green Design Management", the domestic enterprises would be benefited from it greatly. Therefore, using professional’s interviews and scenario analysis, the thesis is aimed to find out whether the enterprises need to build a whole set of "Green Design Management System" for the enterprise and the government to improve the environmental rights. Therefore, the preliminary structure of the “Green Design Management System flow” is attained. This standard flow could be used for the enterprises to be their environmental notion, a way to decrease the business costs and risks, to make more effectively manage and utilize of the green environment, to strengthen the competitiveness and to upgrade the business competitiveness. At the same time, we should suggest the Bureau of Standards, Metrology and Inspection to regulate GDM as the rule of the China National Standards (CNS) and even promote it to the international world.


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王鈺婷(2008)。因應RoHS 指令的綠色設計 管控系統建構〔碩士論文,中原大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6840/cycu200900657
