  • 學位論文


Optimized Maintance Techniques for Sewage Pipe Engineering Projects in Taiwan

指導教授 : 陳怡睿


污水下水道是生態環境保護的必要設施,更是「現代化」文明之象徵及基本指標,台灣過去在污水下水道系統建設之普及率與先進國家相比,仍有相當大之差距,因此,近年來政府相關部門已持續推動下水道工程建設。然汙水下水道系統須定期保養修繕,有鑑於管線維護修繕工作,在未來工程實務上,勢在必行且益發重要,為避免造成國家財政的負擔,及社會成本與資源的浪費;因此,制定一套污水管網系統修繕工法選優之決策模式,為目前污水下水道維修所必須面臨的重要課題之一。 本研究旨在建立污水下水道管線修繕工法的選優模式,首先透過問卷調查方式,徵詢學者專家之意見,再將問卷資料運用AHP 層級分析法建立修繕工法選優模式,其中權重及優選排序之推算方式分別採「整體模式」及「層級模式」,而管線修繕工程則考量包括「區段式」及「局部式」兩種方式。 研究結果顯示,採用「整體模式」所推算之平均權重值及排序,可適當地作為汙水管線維修工程優選工法之依據。不論「區段式」或「局部式」之管線修繕工法,受訪者皆認為寧可多在「成本」付出,亦要達到應有之「功能」。且在「功能」之評估標的架構下,不論「區段式」或「局部式」之管線修繕工法其優先排序均以「防滲漏性」為第一。至於在替代方案(工法)部份,分析結果可知在「區段式」修繕工法之優先排序依序為「反轉內襯工法」、「內套管工法」、「螺旋內襯工法」「緊貼內襯工法」及「被覆工法」;而在「局部式」修繕工法之優先排序則依序為「不鏽鋼內襯工法」、「藥液工法」、「膠膜工法」、「COMBO-LINER工法」及「托盤式現地成型工法」。此外,在「區段式」及「局部式」管線修繕工法中,不論是以「層級模式」或「整體模式」所推算之權重值雖有差異,但優先排序則均相同,惟「整體性模式」之評估,在程序上具全面性及較嚴謹性。


The sewage system is necessary facility for environmental protection, also a symbol and indicator of modernization. In the past, the prevalence ratio of public sewage system in Taiwan was very low compared with developed countries. However, the administration has tried to make up for the shortage of public sewer system recently. Therefore, there is a need for decision making procedures of optional priority for maintenance methods of sewage system. The objective of this study is to establish an optional priority model for maintenance methods of sewage system using hierarchy analysis incorporated with questionnaire expert survey. The global and hierarchy models were employed in the weighting and ranking criteria, whiles sectional and local treatment were adopted in maintenance of sewage. The results show that the estimated average weight and ranking using global model can be used for optional priority for maintenance methods of sewage system. All respondents agree that performance of the method is the first requirement in sectional and local treatment despite the higher cost. Furthermore, anti-leakage method is the first choice. The ranking of sectional technical methods from highest to lowest is as follows: reversal inner lining method, internal casing pipe method, spiral inner lining method, galling inner lining method, and sheathing method. The ranking of local technical methods from highest to lowest is as follows: stainless steel inner lining method, chemical grouting method, film method, COMBO-LINER method, tray-type field forming method. The ranking of aforementioned methods is the same despite the difference of weights estimated by global and hierarchy models. However, evaluation using global model is more integral and strict in the procedure.


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