  • 學位論文

內部行銷、員工幸福感與服務導向組織公民行為關係之研究 - 以台灣南區觀光飯店為例

A Study of the Relationship among Internal Marketing, Sense of Happiness and Service-Orientation Organizational Behavior:Empirical Survey of Tourist Hotels in Southern Taiwan

指導教授 : 李元墩
共同指導教授 : 林秋娟(Chiu-Chuan Lin)


觀光旅館業是以提供服務為主的產業之一,故如何使顧客有賓至如歸的經驗,提供服務者扮演著非常重要的角色,員工是經營觀光飯店成敗的關鍵因素。對企業來說員工幸福感的意義在於降低員工流動率,有助於留才、強化員工向心力,並提升企業形象。如何讓員工有認同感、甚至令員工感到幸福,其中很重要的是讓員工沒有隔閡地了解公司信念與文化、企業經營成果或面臨的挑戰,並且願意面對、回答員工關切的問題。因此,本研究動機之一是希望探討觀光飯店實施內部行銷,是否會提升員工幸福感,是否可透過員工幸福感加強服務導向組織公民行為。另外觀光產業薪資福利並沒有其他產業優渥,如何讓員工透過內部行銷的催化作用,使員工的心緊緊地依附在工作之中,認同自己的工作,進而認為展現組織公民行為是其工作的一部份,在對組織有利的事情上付出額外的努力,為本研究的動機之二。 本研究以台灣南區的觀光飯店為研究對象,來探討內部行銷、員工幸福感與服務導向組織公民行為的影響。以立意分層抽樣共發出280份問卷,回收有效問卷173份,為了確認業者之配合意願,首先以電話與飯店業部門主管電話聯繫,進行電話拜訪,拜訪內容係先行陳述本研究之相關問題與目的之後,再徵詢其接受問卷調查之意願,再麻煩主管回收完問卷之後以回郵信封寄給研究者。 研究結果發現:實施內部行銷會提升員工幸福感也會提高服務導向組織公民行為,且員工幸福感提升後更有服務導向組織公民行為。綜上所述,觀光飯店若實施內部行銷則會提升員工幸福感,讓員工在生活上更加踏實、擁有安全感,內部行銷也會使員工接待顧客表現出的積極態度,進而對外宣揚組織的優點與有利的形象。此外,收入高的員工在內部行銷中較有激勵與成長的效果,而在幸福感中以未婚的女性較為幸福,最後在組織公民行為中收入較高、年資較高的員工較有提供服務導向組織公民行為。


Tourist hotel industry is a service industry. Service providers play a very important role to make customers feel the pleasant experience. It is critical that employees with the sense of happiness can approach this goal. Since the employees’ salary and welfare in tourist industry is not lucrative, the aim of research is to study the catalysis of internal marketing implementation on the employees’ well-being or happiness and thus influence their service-oriented organizational citizenship behavior. The survey questionnaires were used to investigate into tourist hotels in Southern Taiwan by purposive stratified sampling method. After telephone interviewing with tourist hotels’ managers, total of 280 questionnaires were sent out, and 173 replied were valid. SPSS were used to analyze data. The statistical methods included t-test, one-way ANOVA and multiple regression. This study obtained the following conclusions: (1) The implementation of internal marketing has a significant effect on perception of employee happiness. (2) The implementation of internal marketing has a significant effect on employees’ service-oriented organizational citizenship behavior. (3) The employees’ happiness has mediating effect on implementation of internal marketing to service-oriented organizational citizenship behavior. (4) Higher income employees have more perceptions of implementation of internal marketing. Unmarried women have more sense of happiness. Moreover, higher income and higher seniority employees have more service-oriented organizational citizenship behavior.


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