  • 學位論文


Impact of Organizational Health on Employee Job Performance- Moderating Effect of Health Promoting Hospital Accreditation

指導教授 : 陳金淵


目的 隨著疾病型態的轉變,過往以「診斷與治療」為主的醫療模式已不足以解決現代人所面臨的健康需求。因應這樣的轉變,世界衛生組織(World Health Organization, WHO)也開始倡議「健康促進醫院」。2001年起我國也希望藉由「健康促進醫院」的推動,改變醫院以治療為主的組織文化,使醫院組織環境更為健康,並提高員工工作績效。本研究旨在探討醫院有無取得「健康促進醫院認證」是否影響其組織健康程度及員工工作績效,並檢測「健康促進醫院認證」之干擾效果。 方法 本研究以立意抽樣方式,選取34家(有取得認證24家、未取得認證者10家)醫院之從業人員為研究對象。採郵寄問卷方式寄出1,655份,回收1,244份(回收率85.03%)。除個人基本屬性,尚包括組織健康與工作績效量表。除描述性與差異性統計檢定外,也利用階層迴歸分析檢測有無取得認證對組織健康和員工工作績效所產生的干擾效果。 結果 整體而言,取得認證者在組織健康量表總體及各子構面之得分皆高於未取得認證者,且達顯著差異(p<0.01),但兩組在工作績效上無顯著差異;若進一步將組織健康分為高低二組,則在工作績效有顯著差異(p<0.01)。在階層迴歸分析中,干擾變數的交互作用項(組織健康×取得健康促進醫院認證)對工作績效具有顯著的預測效果,且取得健康促進醫院認證者,其組織健康對工作績效的影響力高於未取得認證者。 結論及建議 員工是企業重要的資產,即使是在非營利屬性的醫療產業也應該如此。當員工可以在感到舒適、健康的工作環境時,其工作績效也提升了。研究顯示透過取得健康促進醫院認證,可以改變醫院整體的文化、組織、流程或決策,使員工對組織健康有更佳的感受,如此一來,不僅使「組織」更健康了,也提升了工作績效的表現。因此可以肯定健康促進醫院認證對於組織管理上的貢獻。


Purpose Due to the dramatic change of disease patterns, the traditional diagnosis-and-cure medical service cannot fulfill the health care needs of the general population nowadays any more. In response to the transition, the concept of health promotion thus emerged and drew the attention of the public. Beginning from 2001, the health policy in Taiwan has turned toward health promotion and the pursuit of health promoting hospital accreditation became more popular. It is expected that through the propagation of health promoting hospital (HPH) accreditation, a healthier work environment can be created for hospital staffs, patients, and their family members, which in turn is assumed to help enhance employee job performance. This study aimed to examine the effect of HPH accreditation on organizational health and employee job performance, and, more important, the moderating effect of health promoting hospital accreditation in the relationship between organizational health and employee job performance. Method A purposive sampling approach was adopted. The participants were from 34 selected hospitals (24 with accreditation and 10 without accreditation). In addition to demographic characteristics, the questionnaire included organizational health and job performance instruments. A hierarchical regression was conducted to examine the moderating effect of health promoting hospital accreditation between organizational health and job performance. Results An in-depth examination showed that participants in hospitals with accreditation had significantly higher scores on organizational health (p< 0.01). But there was no significant difference in the scores of job performance. In the hierarchical regression modeling, we found that “with accreditation or not” had significant moderating effect between organizational health and work performance. Conclusion Employee are important asset of organizations, even in the non-profit organizations like hospitals. When staffs can work in a more comfortable and healthier environment, their job performance can also become better. The study demonstrates that with the acquisition of health promoting hospital accreditation the organization might change its organization culture, structure, operational process and decision making, which not only makes employee feel better about the organizational health but also improves the job performance. Therefore, we can be sure of the potential contribution of “health-promoting hospital accreditation”to the organization.


