  • 學位論文


A numerical study of terrain effect on air pollution

指導教授 : 賴信志


台灣位於世界最大陸塊與最大海洋的交界,地理位置非常特殊,深受季風系統的影響;加上地形複雜,中央山脈佇立在台灣島的中央,隔開東西兩區。因此當綜觀天氣系統影響台灣時,對於局部地區大氣環境條件的討論,還必須考量到中央山脈地形所造成的變化,尤其在空氣污染的相關議題上,地形效應更是重要的因子。 因空氣污染物之傳輸與擴散受氣流影響極大,加上氣流經過台灣地形時會產生流場的變化,因此要探討台灣的空氣污染問題時,氣流經過地形與台灣空氣品質之間的關係為主要的關鍵議題,此關鍵即為本研究之主要目的。本研究首先利用環保署的監測資料篩選出2003年到2012年的空氣污染個案,並調查當時綜觀天氣系統的型態,發現主要綜觀天氣型態為高壓迴流及東北季風。接著依據污染個案的風場分布將台灣依照地形區分,以此了解高污染事件與天氣系統及地形之關連性。為更清楚了解高污染事件之大氣環流型態變化,本研究利用MM5中尺度氣象模式完成模擬2003年到2012年共10年的氣象模擬資料庫,此MM5資料庫時間解析度為1小時,空間


Taiwan is located at the junction of the world's largest land mass and ocean, the location is very special, heavily influenced by the monsoon system. Taiwan is complex terrain , central mountain range stands in the center of Taiwan’s and two areas separated Taiwan .When the synoptic weather systems affected Taiwan, atmospheric conditions in some areas of discussion, and have to consider the terrain changes caused by the central mountains, especially on issues related to air pollution, the terrain effect is even more important factor. Because the transmission and diffusion of air pollution are extremely affected by the flow, and the airflow field varies when the flow pass through the terrain of Taiwan. Therefore, when it comes to the air pollution in Taiwan, the relationship between the flow passed through terrain and the quality of the air in Taiwan is the primary issue which is the main purpose of our research. First, our research utilizes the EPA’s monitoring data to filter the air pollution cases from 2003 to 2012. After investigating the type consists of High-Pressure Reflux and Northeast Monsoon. Second, according to the wind field distribution of air pollution cases, we distinguish Taiwan into several terrains in order to realize the connection between high pollution events, weather system and terrain. To understand the type variation of atmosphere circumfluence in the high pollution events more clearly, our research uses MM5 middle meteorology mode to completely simulate the meteorology simulation database for ten years, from 2003 to 2012. In MM5 database, the time resolution of atmosphere environment data is one hour and the space resolution of atmosphere environment data is three kilogram. By utilizing the MM5 database, we can analysis the IV variation of atmosphere circumfluence in the high pollution events within different area. Moreover, we can also study the relationship between the wind fields underground or in high level and the terrain. The result of analysis reveals that the phenomena of terrain flow around is


terrain effect air pollution mesoscale model


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