  • 學位論文


A Classification Analysis of Decisions on Preliminary Objections of the International Court of Justice

指導教授 : 黃居正


「先決異議」是對國際法院在對系爭案件是否要進行實質審理的首先應該考慮的抗辯。在「先決異議」進行的過程中,法院並不會考慮證據以認定被訴國是否真的違反控訴國所主張違反國際法之事實,而是如國際法院所稱:「先決異議不僅僅只是避免法院就案件做出實質裁決,更可避免任何對於案件實體事項的討論」。當事國必須提出「先決異議」之相關文件於法庭,文件中可能包含一個或多個「先決異議」問題。而法院會暫停審理控訴國主張之實體事項,優先聽取兩造當事國間就被訴國所提出的「先決異議」的意見,只有在法院認定「先決異議」主張無理由時,才會續行審理。因為一旦「先決異議」有理由成立,將使後續的實體審理既不必要甚至不可能。 「先決異議」是一種被訴國對於國際法院對系爭繫屬案件主張不具有「管轄權」或「可受理性」之異議。本論文則是為了研究國際法院對「先決異議」的決定。研究結果重點則放在國際法院的「先決異議」決定的類型化分析,以及國際法院對於「先決異議」中的「管轄權」或「可受理性」之異議其下多種異議主張的判準。冀能對國際法理論、研究和實務皆有所貢獻。


A preliminary objection is an objection to an international tribunal's consideration of a case. At the preliminary objections phase of the proceedings, the court does not consider evidence as to whether the respondent State is responsible for the alleged violations of the international law. As articulated by the International Court of Justice, “the object of a preliminary objection is to avoid not merely a decision on, but even any discussion of the merits.” Essentially, the respondent who files preliminary objections in international proceedings contends that one or more preliminary questions should be examined initially and decided by the court before it reaches the merits of the claim, because a decision upholding a particular objection could make it unnecessary, or even impossible, to deal with the merits of the case. Preliminary objections by the respondent should be differentiated into “the jurisdiction of the Court” and “the admissibility of the application”. This paper is intended as an investigation of the decisions on preliminary objections of the International Court of Justice. Results of this study shows the classification analysis of decisions on preliminary objections and criteria of the subcategories of jurisdiction and admissibility. The paper concludes with implications for theory, research, and practice.


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