  • 學位論文


Unraveling the resilience of a successful entrepreneur who ever failed

指導教授 : 李傳楷


無論個體或企業的生命,失敗往往是淬鍊成功的基石,但在保守的東方社會,失敗卻是人人避諱的話題,以致於台灣教育長期忽視「失敗學」。事實上,每個人都有享受挫敗的權利,也都具備從挫敗中學習成長的能力,這正是挫折復原力的初衷。 本研究以詮釋型個案討論天仁茗茶、天福茗茶創辦人李瑞河先生,在天仁證券案一敗塗地後又不畏艱難東山再起之案例。使用Patterson & Kelleher 提出的復原力架構及復原力循環深入剖析個案,並從外部環境的角度搭配李瑞河先生自我效能,還原創業復原行動的成功因子,以補足理論欠缺之處。發現李瑞河先生在能屈能伸、機會辨識、資源利用、專業能力四方面的能力恰如其分地展現於當時的外在環境,而產生東山再起的成功結果。 每個人的復原過程長短、難易度不盡相同,透過挫折復原力能有效瞭解自我潛能,發揮最大極限。挫折復原力的重要性不證自明,但相關研究卻大多侷限於教育及社會工作領域,若要全面運用於各方面研究,尚須擴大研究的範疇,加入身分、時間、外界環境、逆境解釋程度,甚至是文化、民族性等因素做單一或多重比較探討。


Eleanor Roosevelt said” You gain strength, courage, and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. You must do the thing which you think you cannot do.” Countering difficulties makes people feel frustrated thus to lose hopes and brightness. But after a period of time recovering, people will have an ability to stand up again, called resilience. This study wants to discover the recovering path of Mr. Ruei-he Li, the founder of Ten Ren’s Tea and Ten Fu’s Tea. Using the resilience structure and resilience cycle developed by Patterson & Kelleher, as well as discussing the interaction between Li’s ability and environmental opportunities, this study shows a whole picture of resilience,hoping every reader can learn and inspire his/her own potential afterwards. This study shows that flexibility, opportunity identification, resource exploitation, and professional capability are four types of Li’s major capabilities which fit the outer environment well and lead to further success in business. Since everyone has different recovering path, resilience studies should broaden its coverage scope to position, time span, external environment, the interpretation of failure, culture, or nationality to make relative research more complete and comprehensive.


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