  • 學位論文


Passive Air Sampler Survey of Polybrominated Diphenyl Ethers in Highway Buses

指導教授 : 凌永健


多溴二苯醚 (polybrominated diphenyl ethers, PBDEs) 為一種溴化阻燃劑,亦是持久性有機污染物,廣泛應用於電子設備、塑膠製品、紡織品等民生用品。在使用及回收此類產品過程中,因揮發或粉塵的形成進入環境中,造成人體危害。成人每天平均有20小時於室內環境中,其中有1.3小時於車內環境,並因車內有許多塑膠製品及紡織品,增加PBDEs暴露的危險,因此本研究調查長途巴士內環境中PBDEs濃度,利用實驗室自製被動式空氣採樣器放置於長途巴士內。此採樣器不需電力、人力並且無噪音污染、適合長時間放置,最終可得到時間加權(Time-weighted average, TWA)濃度。為了推算巴士內空氣中PBDEs濃度,以流速校正實驗建立PBDEs同源物的採樣速率 (Sampling rate, R) ,此結果顯示截存量隨著時間增加且具有良好的線性關係,證實其可行性。將此採樣器實際應用於長途巴士中,再以索氏萃取法搭配氣相層析質譜儀進行分析巴士內PBDEs濃度範圍為329.3-694.9 pg/ m3,平均值為433.4 pg/ m3,本研究亦調查電腦教室內PBDEs濃度,其濃度範圍為297.2-339.7 pg/ m3,平均為318.5 pg/ m3,結果略高於國內文獻調查之結果。比對巴士內PBDEs組成與商業化阻燃劑,部分樣品與十溴商業化阻燃劑具有強烈相關性。


PBDEs (Polybrominated diphenyl ethers) are one of the brominated flame retardants (BFRs), which are considered as persistent organic pollutants (POPs). PBDEs are widely used in variety of consumer products such as electronic equipments, plastics and textiles etc. PBDEs may release into the environment by vaporization or formation of dust during the manufacturing and recycling the BFRs-containing products. Their release into the environment may lead to biomagnification and accumulation in the human body. An adult on average spends about 20 h in indoor environment and 1.3 h in vehicles. Therefore, we investigated the concentration profiles of selected PBDEs in indoor and public transportation vehicles with interiors decorated with textiles and plastic substances. We collected the samples from two computer class rooms and nine highway buses by home-made passive air sampler (PAS). PAS can operate for long periods of time without any electricity, man power, and noise, yielding the time-weight average (TWA) concentration of PBDEs. We established the sampling rate of PBDEs congeners to estimate the concentration of PBDEs in the highway buses. The results show that home-made PAS can efficiently collect the analytes and exhibited increased the accumulated mass with increased time. The collected samples were extracted by Soxhlet extraction and analyzed by GC-MS. PBDEs levels in the bus and computer classroom were range in 329.3-694.9 pg/ m3 (mean 433.4 pg/ m3) and 297.2-339.7 pg/ m3 (mean 318.5 pg/ m3), respectively. In contrast to other domestic studies, we observe that the level of PBDEs present in highway buses is slightly higher. Interestingly, we find a strong relationship between some samples and decaBDE containing commercial products.


PBDEs Passive sampler Highway Buses


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