  • 學位論文

探討中小企業招募甄選及薪酬設計: 以小規模機械加工企業L為例

The Investigation of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises Recruitment Selection and Compensation Design: A Case of Small-Scale Traditional Machining Company

指導教授 : 林博文


台灣人寧為雞首,不為牛後的創業精神,使台灣中小企業四處林立,數量占總企業數98%,其中由許多中小企業組成的機械工業,為台灣貢獻了大量的GDP及出口值,產業背後由許多數以百計的衛星廠,交錯共同組成的價值鏈網路,功不可沒;檢視這些衛星工廠,其中多數屬於大量勞力付出性質且工作環境較差,所以許多年輕人加入後不久便離職,造成公司常面臨人力缺乏及高離職成本的問題;薪酬設計的部分,多數還是以年資作為計算基礎,留得越久、領得越多,這造成許多員工在工作上缺乏動力,薪資唯一具有激勵效果時刻為年資滿一定程度後加薪那一刻,待時間一久,激勵效果便消失了。為解決上述問題,本論文透過個案研究的方式,深入研究一間位於桃園縣的機械加工廠在招募徵選及薪酬設計上相關制度,得到以下幾點結論。 1. 招募管道選擇上,建議個案公司若欲以刊登報紙廣告的方式,作為招募無經驗員工的管道,在廣告招募訊息上可以使用真實工作預告的方式,適度刊登一些負面的工作訊息,並於甄選面試階段介紹工廠真實營運情形,降低應徵者期待落差,以提升員工留職率。 2. 招募管道選擇上,建議可以利用離職員工再雇用的方式,以提升員工留職率並降低離職成本。 3. 招募時機選擇上,以年份而言,建議個案公司選擇每五年一循環的營收谷底年份,以提升應徵者數量及應徵者品質。招募月份選擇方面,建議於2月展開招募活動。 4. 薪酬設計上,建議以事前適度開放與員工討論薪酬設計的,事中持續追蹤主動詢問員工對其薪酬的想法,事後開放正式申訴管道的方式,以增加員工對其薪酬的承諾。 5. 在薪酬設計上建議使用績效評估,做為薪酬計算基礎的方法,以降低員工對於自己投入產出的疑慮,防止不好的行為出現。 關鍵字:招募徵選、薪酬設計、招募管道、招募時機、離職員再雇用


Due to the entrepreneurship of Taiwanese, there are large number of SMEs are established in Taiwan. SMEs accounts for up to 98 percent of total number of enterprises in Taiwan. When we talk about machine industry in Taiwan which contribute large number of GDP and export value are composed of many SMEs. We must mention hundreds of satellite factories which interact together to form the value chain network. To analyze those who work in satellite factories, we can discover that most of them pay their labor force and work in poor environment. So there are many young workers work for a short time and then leave. That lead to some satellite factories always lack of manpower and face high turnover costs. Compensation design is the other issue deserve to discuss of satellite factories. Most of these satellite factories design their compensation depend on years of work experience. That would lead to workers lack of motivation at work. The incentive effects occur only at the moment when salary increase due to worker work to a certain year. After a short time, the effects disappear. In order to solve two problems mentioned above, this paper use the method of case study to deeply explore recruitment and selection and compensation design about a machining firm which is located in Taoyuan. I make the following conclusions: 1. I suggest that if firm L want to recruit workers who have no related working experience by using newspaper as recruiting channels, it can use realistic job preview in newspaper advertising and introduce the candidate real factory working environment in the meeting. 2. About recruiting channels, I suggest that firm L can rehire formal employees. 3. About recruitment timing, I suggest firm L to select the year which receive lowest revenue in every five years a circle and do recruitment activity in the first six month, especially in February, to increase the number of candidates and enhance candidate quality. 4. About compensation design, I suggest firm L to take more communication with employees. 5. I suggest firm L to design compensation base on employee performance. Keywords: Recruitment and Selection, Compensation Design, Recruitment Channel, Recruitment Timing, Rehire


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