  • 學位論文


A Study of Human Resources Integration in Merger and Acquisition of Foundries -A Case Study of V Company

指導教授 : 史欽泰 王俊程


2019年開始新型冠狀病毒大流行,因而全球掀起遠距風潮,同時5G 發展帶動設備換機潮,因此帶動相關元件或晶片等半導體產業發展榮景。其中8吋晶圓代工是許多重要晶片生產主力,但因建廠成本過高,設備取得不易,所以收購現有的8 吋晶圓廠以取得設施設備與既有人力是最佳方式。 本研究透過個案公司的併購經驗進行個案研究,並訪談3位人力資源主管及20位主管與員工。探討各個階段的人力資源規劃措施,並洞察其潛在問題,以期望對半導體產業對於併購人力資源整合提供觀點與建議。 呈上所述,本研究目的為:1. 瞭解個案公司於併購期間,所採取的人力資源整合規劃策略。2. 瞭解個案公司併購整合潛在問題。3.為個案公司提出具價值之分析結果及相關建議。 本研究結果指出:1.在併購前應有效執行人力資源盡職調查,以利提前洞察勞資相關問題,並迴避風險。2. 併購交易期間,快速組建組織過渡整合團隊,並任命「全職」的整合專案經理,以避免過度焦慮與人力流失;落實文化衝突管理,提前識別差異才能妥善規劃後續整合策略;識別關鍵職位與人才,針對市場稀缺人才設計留任計畫或其他備案。 3. 併購後整合階段,須留意跨文化溝通造成的隱形成本,提前進行語言與衝突溝通培訓,同時建立非正式或無形的跨文化溝通管道,促進文化形成;此外留意工程師留任與能力培養,關注離職意向,降低留任工程師的壓力負荷,提前培訓選拔資深工程師協助落差改善,技術移轉與經驗傳承。4. 併購後同化與融合階段,協助檢視暫時性措施與組織診斷,並檢討本次經驗,並提前培養併購整合團隊。


半導體 晶圓代工 人力資源 併購 整合


Due to the Covid-19 Pandemic in 2019, many companies and households have increased their investment in digital equipment. Therefore, the semiconductor industry is in a situation where the production capacity is in short supply. For the 200mm (8-inch) foundry fab, M&A is the best way to obtain production capacity. Based on case study approach, the present study looks into the steps of Human Resource integration Strategy and insights for V Company. To provide suggestions on the integration of human resources for M&A in the semiconductor industry. This study shows: 1. Before M&A, due diligence in human resources is very important, which helps to understand the labor relations and local labor laws of the acquired company. 2. During the M&A transaction phase. It is better to quickly form an integrated project team and assign a full-time PM. Manage culture shock, identify cultural shock factors and plan solutions. Identify the critical positions and talents, and develop retention plans for them. 3. Post-merger integration phase. keep in manage the status of the cross-cultural communication, carry out language and conflict communication training in advance, and establish informal or invisible cross-cultural communication channels to promote the formation of culture; in addition, pay attention to the turnover rate of engineers and ability training. Training and selecting senior engineers from Headquarter to help for find the gap and skill transfer, to relieve the work pressure of remaining engineers. 4. Post-merger assimilation and integration phase, headquarter should help in reviewing the Temporary Measures and organizational diagnosis, and review this integration project experience, and promote the M&A integration team in advance.


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