  • 學位論文


A Study of Constructing an Image-Based Virtual Reality System for Public Arts Learning on Campus

指導教授 : 楊叔卿


大部分的大學校園之中都擁有各式美麗的公共藝術作品。然而,校園公共藝術作品往往缺乏足夠的相關藝術品資訊,以致大眾也經常無法欣賞這些藝術作品。此外,影像式虛擬實境應用於藝術鑑賞教學至今仍不多。因此,本研究基於學習科技實驗室已建置的行動學習系統-OhMyArt!之上,建構一個結合影像式虛擬實境科技的校園公共藝術鑑賞系統-VArt,以幫助學習者鑑賞公共藝術作品。VArt的影像式虛擬實境也結合了方向控制、雷達地圖、視點切換等功能。 本研究以台灣北部一所大學中的38名學生為研究對象,實驗組為21人,控制組則為17人。實驗組使用影像式虛擬實境呈現公共藝術作品;而控制組則使用傳統照片的方式進行鑑賞。本研究的資料分析方式包括質性資料與量化資料的分析,使用方法包括:描述性統計、成對樣本T檢定、獨立樣本T檢定、實驗觀察紀錄分析。 研究結果顯示,VArt能夠讓使用者更投入於藝術鑑賞學習的活動之中,並且能幫助學習者體驗到藝術作品與環境整體之氣氛與情境。影像式虛擬實境也能夠幫助學習者更深入的觀察公共藝術作品。而照片組別則具有簡單、可快速瀏覽等特點,但較無法深入觀察作品細節與體驗作品整體環境氣氛。在操作功能方面,視點的設置能輔助學習者找尋到較佳與較符合特定作品擺設方式的視點。而多視點的切換,則能觀察作品的不同面向。系統鏡頭的操控功能,則能有效幫助學習者觀察作品的細節以及選擇觀看的位置。最後,本研究針對未來的VArt的功能開發提出建議,以供後續相關研究之參考。


There are a variety of magnificent public artworks on most university campuses but the public usually aren’t able to appreciate these artworks because more often than not there isn’t sufficient information on the related artworks. Moreover, there hasn’t been much application of image-based virtual reality to art appreciation teaching. Hence, this study develop public art appreciation system(VArt)that integrates image-based virtual reality technology which is based on a mobile learning system(OhMyArt!)of Learning Technology Lab to assist learners in appreciating public artworks. The image-based virtual reality of VArt also integrates the functions of direction control, radar maps and viewpoint switching. There were 38 students from a university in northern Taiwan as research subjects, 21 of whom were in the experimental group and 17 were in the control group. The learners were divided into an experimental group and a control group to view public artworks by image-based virtual reality and traditional photography respectively. The data analysis methods adopted in this study are qualitative data and quantitative data analysis, including descriptive statistics, paired-samples t-tests, independent-samples t-tests, and experiment observation record analysis. The result shows that VArt allows learners to be more devoted to art appreciation learning activities. Moreover, learners can experience the ambiance and scenario of the public artworks and the whole environment. Image-based virtual reality can also help learners more profoundly observe and experience public artworks. Though the group using the traditional pictures demonstrates the feature of easy and quick browsing, yet they aren’t able to more closely observe the details of an artwork or experience the whole environment ambiance of an artwork. Of the operating functions, the allocation of viewpoints can assist learners in looking for a better viewpoint suitable for the display method of a specific artwork and the multi-viewpoint switching function provides different aspects of artwork observation. The control function of the system lenses can effectively help learners observe the details of artworks and select viewpoints. Finally, the researcher indicated some suggestions for the design of future VArt.


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