  • 學位論文

「當心,教室裡無聲的惡魔!」 關係霸凌因應策略之回溯研究

Watch out! The silent devil in the classroom! The Coping Strategies for Relational Bullying –A Retrospective Study

指導教授 : 杜淑芬


摘 要 本研究旨在探究個體過往遭受關係霸凌之因應策略,針對研究參與者知覺之關係霸凌事件、其因應策略與對目前生活中的人際互動之影響,並探討霸凌事件的因應策略與人際影響之相關性。 本研究分為兩階段進行,第一階段從網站平台招募參與者,邀請自願提供曾經遭遇關係霸凌經驗的研究參與者共43名(10男33女,平均年齡23歲,教育程度以大學居多,研究所次之)填寫線上問卷,並採取內容分析法俾以了解他們的事件內容與因應策略。第二階段採取訪談法,針對第一階段的參與者,邀請其中有意願接受深入訪談之受訪者17名(3男14女,平均年齡24歲)以SKYPE方式進行60~90分鐘的半結構式訪談,採取紮根取向的資料分析程序進行並運用三角檢證之模式確保資料的信實度。 歸納研究結果具有下列要點: 一、知覺被關係霸凌的原因,以人際間互動議題與衝突因素為首。 二、受凌當下所使用的策略以尋求社會性協助為主。 三、多數人採用忍讓迴避以免於沉浸受孤立的氛圍之中 四、長期的因應策略中,以自我保護與修復為主。 五、不同的霸凌因應策略對個體長期人際互動上的影響 (一) 多次遭受霸凌事件者,較易有自我面向上負性影響,特別是自我貶抑之影響性,且在因應策略上偏向於使用外在社會資源、與自己有關、積極性之策略。 (二) 霸凌事件與創傷壓力反應有高度相關,尤以女性最為明顯,且多使用自我保護與修復之因應策略。 (三) 無論是使用哪一種因應策略,在人際互動上傾向有負性之影響性。 (四) 當個體所使用之與己關連之策略,其影響力傾向停留在自己身上,反之亦然,策略上的選擇與他人互動有關,則影響力也會出現在自己與他人之間。 (五)在個體選擇因應策略上,非僅使用慣用的問題解決方式,而是一個會依據效果、情境、對象等方面進行評估與使用的動態歷程。 (六)關係霸凌的事件是一個負向的生活經驗,但其帶來的卻不一定都只是負向的影響或結果,也可能會帶來正向的助益。 針對本研究的發現與討論,研究者對學校、個人與家庭、未來研究等三個系統提出建議。 關鍵字:關係霸凌、因應策略、內容分析


Abstract The purposes of this study is to explore the coping strategies for relational bullying. The first purpose was to understand the perceptions and the coping strategies of the individuals who encountered relational bullying in their school years; the second purpose was to explore the impact of relational bullying experience on the daily interpersonal interaction of the individual; the third purpose attempted to analyze the relationships between coping strategies and interpersonal influences of relational bullying. The study implemented in two phases. In the first phase, the researcher collected relational bullying incidents and coping strategies through internet. Forty-three participants (10 males and 33 females) who experienced relational bullying voluntarily participated in this research. Research participants were 30 years old in average and had the experience of being edged out by peers during their years in schools. The collected data analyzed through content analysis. The second phase of the current study attempted to understand in depth of the bullying experience. Seventeen participants (4 males and 13 females) from the first phase signed up for the in-depth interview. The interviews were conducted trhough skype and each lasted for about 60-90 minutes. The interview mainly followed a semi-structured interview quesitons, but the participant’s narratives were valued during the interviewing process. The interview were audio recorded with the permission from the participants.. The data analysis followed grounded theory approach; meanwhile, the trustworthiness of this reseachadopted a triangulation method. The results of included: A. The most common causes of relational bullying were the conflicts and issues related to interpersonal interaction. B. The most common coping strategy was seeking social assistance. C. Most people adopted tolerance and conflict avoidance strategies to protect themselves from being excluded. D. Self-protection and self-healing were the most common long-term coping strategies. E. Different coping strategies affected the participants’ different interpersonal interactions afterwards. (A) Those who have been bullied several times were prone to hold negative images on themselves, especially those who adopted self-related strategies. (B) Those who experienced bullying events frequently exhibited traumatic stress responses at the same time; these phenomena were frequently seen in women. Also, most of them inclined to use self-protection and self-healing strategies. (C) No matter what kind of coping strategies were used, there were negative effects of relationships. (D) When the subjects adopted strategies that related to themselves, the long term influences inclined to be on themselves;on the contrary, the subjects who adopted coping strategies that related to using others as resolving resources, then the long term impacts they reported would be on the interpersonal relationships with others. (E) The selection of copying strategy was a dynamic process. The participant tended to shift their strategies based on the effects of previous strategies. (F)Though relational bullying was a negative life experience, it won’t be necessarily bringing negative effects or outcomes. They may also have positive benefits. Based on the research findings and discussions, the researcher proposed suggestions regard to school system, personal life, family system, and future research. Key words: relational bullying, coping strategies, content analysis


毛湘茹、簡美華(2013)。霸凌受害、霸凌他人至充權:大學女性年少時期言語 或關係霸凌經驗探究。青少年犯罪防治研究期刊,5(2),1-40。
