  • 學位論文


Between Market Orientation and marketing Strategy Linkage with Marketing Performance-----An Exploratory Study of Taiwan Motor Industry

指導教授 : 呂鴻德


論 文 摘 要 本研究旨在探討市場導向與行銷策略配合對行銷績效之影響,以往研究僅針對市場導向及行銷策略進行研究,欠缺三者間連結的實證發現,而市場導向及行銷策略構面眾說紛紜,因此本研究以顧客導向及競爭導向來劃分市場導向,以市場創新型與市場防禦型來劃分行銷策略類型,嘗試以此觀點來進行台灣重電馬達業之實證研究。 經相關文獻探討,建構本研究之研究架構,探討市場導向與行銷策略及其配合之類型對行銷績效之影響,並以企業特徵及市場特性為中介變數考量,以驗證對行銷績效之影響程度。 在實證研究方面,針對目前台灣重電馬達業之前四大及中小企業四家共八家個案進行深入訪談實證研究,所獲得之重要結果: 1.採取市場導向類型中,顧客導向與競爭導向其行銷績效有顯著之差異 2.行銷策略類型,採市場創新型與市場防禦型其行銷績效有顯著之差異 3.市場導向與行銷策略之四種不同配合策略其行銷績效有顯著之差異 4.在企業特徵因素之影響下,市場導向與行銷策略的四種不同配合策略對行銷績效有顯著差異 5.在市場特性因素之影響下,市場導向與行銷策略的四種不同配合策略對行銷績效有顯著差異 本研究歸納產業界各種市場行銷類型彙整成A、B二大類,A類應不斷加強產品系列化、顧客售後服務、工程整合系統、產業需求與技術服務等全面性滿足顧客需求,建立顧客忠誠度,藉由顧客滿意及忠誠度採取品牌擴張、擴張市場佔有率策略,如公司資源有限,應採取策略聯盟方式鎖定專業領域之目標市場,提供差異化服務,提高競爭優勢。B類應提高產品附加價值及應用領域,了解競爭者之長短期策略並擬定因應對策,採取永續關係行銷策略及技術引進模式來提高顧客滿意度,在競爭市場上採市場滲透策略及低成本競爭策略,培養企業內資源,提供顧客System Total Solution方案。 關鍵字:市場導向、行銷策略、行銷績效


ABSTRACT This research mainly probes between market orientation and marketing strategy linkage with marketing performance. Previous research only focused on market orientation with marketing strategy, didn’t prove the connection among three of them, also people have different definitions to the structures of market orientation and marketing strategy. Therefore, this research uses customer orientation and competitor orientation to divide market orientation , uses marketing innovative and marketing defensive to divide marketing strategy . Try to use this point of view to progress the exploratory study of Taiwan motor industry . After investigating related information, I build up the frame of this research. It probes into market orientation with marketing strategy and other coordinated types to affect marketing performance. It also uses enterprising and marketing characteristics as parameters to prove how they affect marketing strategy. Regarding to evidential research, it takes eight cases as examples to do an intensive investigation, including present first four industries of Taiwan motor industry and four medium small enterprises. The important investigative results are: 1. The one who adopts market orientation , there is an obvious difference of sales efficiency between customer orientation and competitor orientation. 2. The one who adopts marketing strategy, there is an obvious difference of marketing performance between market innovative and market defensive. 3. There is an obvious difference of marketing performance among four different coordinated strategies of marketing orientation and marketing strategy. 4. Based on the influence of enterprising characteristic, there is an obvious difference of marketing performance among four different coordinated strategies of market orientation and marketing strategy. 5. Based on the influence of marketing characteristic, there is an obvious difference of marketing performance among four different coordinated strategies of market orientation and marketing strategy. This research sums up each types of marketing into two groups: A and B. Group A should continually strengthen products with series、customer after selling service、engineering united system、industrial demand and technical service…etc. To satisfy customers’ demand, to build up customer’s loyalty, then according to the satisfication and loyalty to adopt brand expansion and expand marketing possessed percentage. If the resource is limited of company, it should adopt united way to lock target market of expert field, offer different service and promote competitory advantage. Group B should increase additional value and applicative field of products, to know the long and short term strategies of competitor and draw up a counterplot. Also to increase customer’s satisfication by adopting an enduring relation sales strategy and technical recommendation mode. In the competitory market, it should adopt marketing infiltrative strategy and low cost competitory strategy, to cultivate industrial resource and offer customer the case of System Total Solution. Key Word:market orientation、marketing strategy、marketing performance




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