  • 學位論文


The Relationship among Entry Strategy, Industrial Network Development and Operation Performance-A Case Study of Taiwan Passive Component Industry Investing in Mainland China

指導教授 : 呂鴻德


本研究旨在探討廠商赴大陸投資採取之進入策略與產業網路發展模式,是否會影響廠商在投資後的經營績效表現;本研究採個案研究法,並以被動元件產業之台商為研究對象。 在經由相關文獻與個案資料之分析後,本研究將進入策略分為「獨立型」與「依賴型」,並將產業網路發展類型分為「相似網路型」與「差異網路型」,再將進入策略與產業網路發展之策略配合類型分為「獨立相似型」、「獨立差異型」、「依賴相似型」、「依賴差異型」共四大類型。 本研究自個案公司-匯僑、華新科、奇力新、大毅、世昕、天揚等六家績優廠商的資料分析中,可以觀察出廠商赴大陸投資選擇不同之進入策略,及發展不同的產業網路,對於其大陸廠的經營績效有一定程度之影響,其中廠商採取「依賴型」之進入策略與「差異網路型」之產業網路發展模式,其經營績效會有較好的表現。整體而言,本研究可歸納出之結論如下: 一、 對赴大陸投資的台商而言,依據本身的資源與能力做妥善運用與配置,選擇適合之進入策略,其進入後的經營績效會有較好的表現。 二、 產業網路的發展是因地制宜的,台商在大陸發展產業網路時,可先以台灣原有網路為基礎,再逐步發展適合當地商業環境的產業網路,能使廠商的經營績效有較好的表現。


This paper demonstrated if the corporate performance of firms investing in Mainland China influenced by their entry strategy and types of industrial network development? The methodology is case study approach and the objects are Taiwan passive component firms investing in Mainland China. After literatures review and analysis of cases data, we spread the entry strategy as independent type and dependent type, and spread the types of industrial network development as resemblance network and divergence network, what’s more, we deduced from the entry strategy and the types of industrial network development as the following 4 main types: independent-resemblance type, independent-divergence type, dependent-resemblance type and dependent-divergence type. To analyze the data of the 6 case companies, Pan Overseas Electronic, Walsin Technology, Chilisin Electronics, Ta-I Technology, Luxon and Team Young, we found that the corporate performance of the firm where in Mainland China influenced by entry strategy and industrial network development, and when the firms adopt the entry strategy of dependent type and the industrial network development of divergence network type, the corporate performance of the firms will become better. Overall, we induced the results of this paper are as follows: 1.After investing Mainland China, choosing the fitting entry strategy and well done the resource and capability of their-self, the corporate performance of the Taiwan firms are better than the others. 2.The development of industrial network is influenced by the location. When Taiwan firms developing industrial network in Mainland China, they could base on the original network of Taiwan, then developing suit local business environment industrial network step by step, by the way, the corporate performance of the firms will become better


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46. 華新科技股份有限公司公開說明書,民國90年9月10日。


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