  • 學位論文


Extraction and Performance Evaluations for the Applaction of Mesoporous Molecular Sieves on Heavy Metal Remediation

指導教授 : 黃悉雅


本研究主要應用中孔洞分子篩於重金屬及有機金屬萃取,利用中孔洞分子篩具有高表面積的特性,作為重金屬及有機金屬的吸附劑,再利用中孔洞分子篩表面修飾改質,使其表面具有胺基及EDTA共價鍵結,探討中孔洞分子篩表面在不同官能基對重金屬及有機金屬的萃取效能評估。 本研究利用吸附劑MCM-41、MCM-NH2及MCM-EDTA對錫、氯化三丁錫、醋酸鉛、醋酸鋅及乙烯丙酮鎘等溶液進行萃取分析,而重金屬及有機金屬分析係利用感應耦合電漿原子放射光譜儀、石墨爐原子吸收光譜儀及氣相層析質譜儀作為分析儀器,並搭配固相微萃取法於氣相層析質譜儀,結果顯示MCM-41,MCM-NH2和MCM-EDTA具有高表面積而形成物理吸附作用。中孔洞分子篩所修飾的胺基及EDTA上羧酸基可增加化學吸附作用,使得萃取能力為MCM-EDTA> MCM-NH2>MCM-41。pH值的改變會影響吸附質表面電荷及可離子化官能基存在的形態而影響吸附效率。對有機金屬的吸附,主要藉著疏水作用及物理吸附作用,不需表面修飾即可達到良好的吸附的效果。MCM-EDTA隨著pH值的升高導致中孔洞分子篩表面與EDTA官能基逐漸解離,使得吸附能力大幅下降,而降低表面修飾的價值。 本實驗對醋酸鉛進行重覆萃取分析,相對百分偏差從0.0% ~ 10.7%,而對乙烯丙酮鎘、醋酸鉛及醋酸鋅進行添加回收率測試,回收率依序為94.5%、104.5%及97.1%,確定萃取實驗過程無明顯偏差及無樣品基質效應。


吸附 中孔洞分子篩


The extraction efficiencies and performance evaluations for the application of a mesoporous molecular sieves, MCM-41, on heavy metal remediation were studied in this research. With its high surface area, MCM-41 is a good candidate for physisorbing and/or chemisorbing heavy metals and organometals. The effect of modifying the MCM-41 surface on the extraction efficiencies and performance was also undertaken by chemically changing the surface functional group to amino or EDTA ligands. MCM-41, MCM-NH2, and MCM-EDTA were used as adsorbent with solutions including tin, tributyltin chloride, lead acetate, zine acetate, and cadmium acetylacetonate. Heavy metals and organometals were quantitated by ICP-AES, GFAAS and SPME/GC methods. The results show that the order of extraction efficiency is MCM-EDTA > MCM-NH2 > MCM-41, indicating that the covalent grafting of ligating NH2 and COOH functional groups on the MCM-41 surface could enhance chemisorption. The adsorbing efficiency of the metals is affected by pH value due to the charge of the surface of the adsorbate and the morphology of the functional group. Adsorption capacity of MCM-EDTA was found to decrease with increase in pH value, which is very likely due to dissociation of EDTA from the MCM surface. For organometal adsorption, the most significant effects come from hydrophobic interaction and physisorption. Thus, unmodified MCM-41 also shows high adsorption efficiency for organometals. Duplicate studies on the extraction efficiency of lead acetate yield relative standard deviations of 0.0 to 10.7 %, indicating satisfactory reproducibility. Matrix spike studies were done on cadmium acetylacetonate and zinc acetate besides lead acetate. The matrix spike recovery results are 94.5, 97.1, and 104.5%, respectively, indicating that the matrix does not have major interfering capacity.


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