  • 學位論文


A Study on the Integrated Operation Scheduling for Weapon Production Systems

指導教授 : 江瑞清


摘要 武器系統生產涵蓋各項機械、電子、電機、化工、化學等科技技術之專業領域,其生產型態包含零工型及流線型兩種混合之多廠區生產型態,每一另組件都經過數個工作站,由一連串複雜且精密的製造流程逐步完成,其過程都必須環環相扣,稍有疏忽即前功盡棄。 由於國軍武器產品之製繳期限,均以合約簽屬規範最終完成時限,物料需求及機具能量資訊的及時獲得,才能迅速且確實的及早下單採購或加工製造,因此必須依賴良好的生產排程系統,有效管制每一節點,始能如期如質如量按時限完成。 本研究是以前推/後推啟發式排程法則,以協同規劃之邏輯理念來整合生產管制,並運用實驗設計方法分析所獲數據資料,結果顯示可有效改善達交率,機具負荷及整體生產期程之決策依據。


ABSTRACT Weapon System is composed of a series of complex processes. The characteristics of the production process of Weapon System include complicated manufacturing processes. Its production types include job shop and flow shop, which need to integrate electronic, machining, and munitions/ chemical techniques. All products in the Weapon System are completed at multiple sites. Each site in this system operates independently but together. The timely and reliable delivery of products, as well as keeping due dates, is an important factor in the entire manufacturing supply chain of weapon production systems. Thus, it is important to obtain information of material on the demand time and quantity quickly and correctly to be able to make a procurement plan early. In other words, good schedule planning can promote efficiency and increase performance overall production lines. This research presents a production planning and scheduling framework. The Backward/Forward Heuristic (BFH) method is used to integrate manufacturing, planning, and control. It is capable of producing accurately and rapidly up-to-date information necessary for decision-making under a collaborative planning logic, where all relevant activities are triggered by customers’ demands and coordinated using Resource analysis/Requirement Planning (RRP) and Production Schedule/Reschedule (PSR). Finally, this research group developed a heuristic method for Weapon System design based on a BFH approach. The system focuses on job-shop scheduling and assigns a higher priority to operations corresponding to a low level of Bill of Materials (BOM). It is shown that, through the Design of Experiment (DOE) analysis, the algorithm in this research can improve the delivery rate, loading balance of the machines, and makespan.


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