  • 學位論文


An Exploratory Study of Applying Object Relational Mapping Framework on Service-Oriented Architecture

指導教授 : 黃天佑


網路的發展使得資訊科技有了重大進步,企業中的營運模式能夠緊密結合,但資訊更新速度之快,讓企業傳統的系統架構較為複雜且維護不易,無法負荷所需要之改變,因此提出了服務導向架構(SOA)來因應這些問題。 服務導向架構最主要的定義為服務與服務間必須是鬆散耦合之分散式架構,各自能夠獨立的執行服務並運行,而其目的是使資訊系統達到隨須則變的要求。但傳統之系統架構沒有對資料層做更進一步的劃分,使得資料連接、處理與維護方面的耦合度高,造成開發費時且維護不易的情況發生,本研究將以物件關聯映射框架技術來改善現有的技術問題。 利用服務導向架構所帶來的優勢,並針對分散式系統架構中的資料層劃分出持久層,並使用物件關聯映射框架技術在持久層中來做探討。了解目前的物件關聯映射框架技術是否能夠達到服務導向架構的需求,使企業能夠因應頻繁更動的需求,並提升其開發與維護之效益。


Internet makes the development of information technology has been a major advancement in the enterprise business model can closely, but the information update speed is too quick, allow enterprises to more traditional architecture complex and difficult to maintain, unable to cope with the changes required, it makes a Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) to cope with these problems. Service oriented architecture is defined as the main service and the loosely coupled between services must be distributed architecture, each capable of independent execution services and working, and its purpose is to enable information systems to be reached with the change requirements. However, the traditional architecture of the system is not making further divide the data tier, making data connections, processing and maintenance of the coupling is high, resulting in time-consuming and difficult to maintain development to happen, this study will be an object-relational mapping framework technology to improve existing technical problems. Use of service-oriented architecture brings advantages, and distributed system architecture for data-tier persistence layer divided, and use object-relational mapping framework technologies discussed in the persistence layer to do. Understand the current object-relational mapping framework technology is able to achieve the needs of service-oriented architecture, enabling enterprises to frequent changes in response to the needs and to enhance the effectiveness of its development and maintenance.


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