  • 學位論文


The Optimization Model of Multiplant Product in the Food Industry

指導教授 : 蘇玲慧


本研究探討麵包廠的最佳生產情況,求出正常生產與外包之最佳生產數量。首先利用運輸模型準確地計算出麵包製造工廠的最佳生產情況解,模式中之目標為使用Lingo軟體求解出正常生產情況下最小化總生產成本,其數據中最大產能、需求、成本及麵包產品類型來至於工廠實例。 此外,本研究第二部分為利用預測模式去加以計算出未知需求,當需求超過工廠正常產能時則考慮將訂單外包,以滿足市場之需求,為達成供需之目標,將利用派工問題模式進而求解出最佳外包廠商。


生產 運輸問題 派工問題 最佳化


This research deals with a scheduling problem in a bakery environment in which regular and outsourcing production are considered in order to minimize the total production cost. The research uses a transportation model as an exact computation to find an optimal amount of bread production. The objective function is to determine the regular production with transportation problem to minimize the total production cost using Lingo software. Data used for calculation are this production is the maximum production capacity of the company, demand and costs of each type of bread. In addition, forecasting to predict the future demand will also be conducted. If the demand exceeds the regular amount of production, then the company will outsource the excess number to the other parties in order to help fulfil the market demands. To be able to perform all the tasks above, this research will use an assignment problem model in order to find the optimal solution.


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