  • 學位論文


Towards A Society with Marriage Equality: The Comparative Analysis of the Modes of Legislation and Judicial Proceedings

指導教授 : 李立如


自2012年後伴侶權益推動聯盟提出多元家庭民法修正草案後,除同性伴侶權益保障議題受到廣泛討論,其中同性婚姻合法化之爭議,更是讓支持與反對者對立的情形日漸嚴重,而讓我國之同志婚姻平權運動的進展受阻。衡諸於此,本文之研究問題,在於指出我國同性婚姻合法化所遭遇的困境,討論是否能從美國及加拿大的同性婚姻合法化經驗中,歸納出適合作為突破當前困境之途徑? 研究之架構,第一章為緒論,指出本論文之研究動機、研究問題、研究方法及研究架構。第二章透過文獻分析之方式,說明同性婚姻具有之憲法基礎,且大法官所建構之一夫一妻婚姻制度性保障,不應為禁止同性婚姻之正當理由。第三章則以法律社會學之角度,呈現同志運動及同志婚姻平權運動之發展過程,並指出其面對的困境何在。第四章則是對於我國同志婚姻平權運動的困境,藉由比較法之方式,就美國及加拿大的同性婚姻合法化經驗進行分析與反思,並於第五章中提出適合用於我國突破當前同志婚姻平權運動困境之途徑。最後,以第六章總結以上論述。 依據本文研究之結果,適合突破當前同志婚姻平權運動困境之途徑,應採取「立法模式為主司法判決模式為輔」之策略推動同性婚姻合法:透過立法模式之先行,或輔以訴訟挑戰現行的結婚登記制度,以促進社會大眾正視及討論同性婚姻合法化議題,並透過致力於營造有利於推動同性婚姻合法的友善空間,而讓大法官在面對同性婚姻合法化爭議之釋憲案時,得以正視同志於社會中長久以來承受之歧視、偏見及污名,並能期待大法官基於實質平等之精神及發揮司法解釋之表述功能,消弭同志於法律及婚姻制度中之不平等待遇,讓同志能平等地享有受憲法保障之結婚權,並透過立法者的完善立法,進而實現婚姻平權之社會。


Since the revisions of pluralism family formation bill to the Civil Code introduced by Taiwan Alliance to Promote Civil Partnership Rights in 2012, the issue of same-sex couple’s legal protection has been discussed widely. However, due to the debate of legalizing same-sex marriage, the social tension has become worse and has obstructed the development of marriage equality movement. Thus, the researchable questions for dissertation are indicating the difficulties of legalization of same-sex marriage, generalizing the suitable approach which can be used to overcome the difficulties from the experiences of the Unite State and Canada. As to the framework of the study, the first chapter “Preface” describes the motive and researchable questions for research and illustrates the structure of the subject. In chapter 2, through documentary analysis, it discusses the constitutional foundations of same-sex marriage and prohibition of same-sex marriage wouldn’t be justified by the institutional protection of monogamy. In chapter 3, through law and society approach, it describes the development process and indicates difficulties of LGBT rights movement and marriage equality movement. In chapter 4, through comparative study, it analyzes the experience of legalization of same-sex marriage in the Unite State and Canada. The suitable approach is generalized in chapter 5, and the sixth chapter concludes the above dissertation. According to the research result, the most suitable approach to legalizing same-sex marriage is that legislative mode is the priority and supplemented by the mode of judicial proceedings. By legislating and challenging the institution of marriage registration, would promote the society to face and discuss the issue of legalization of same-sex marriage. By constructing the friendly space, would also promote Grand Justices and legislators to face as well as remove the discrimination, prejudice and stigma of the LGBTs in the base of substantive equality and expressive function of judicial review, and make the LGBTs equally have the right to marry and take steps toward a society with marriage equality.




