  • 學位論文


The best lighting environment for mobile devices-a case of fluorescent tubes

指導教授 : 謝明燁


隨著科技的進步、生活型態的改變及生活水平的提高,現代人有將近八九成的時間是在室內度過,日常生活的休閒活動也逐漸數位化。智慧型手機與平板電腦可以簡單看做是可移動的電腦液晶螢幕。從過去的建築照明研究可知,液晶螢幕易反射燈光,產生眩光,阻礙視覺作業的效率。本研究將比較多種照明環境下使用數位行動裝置的評價,藉此歸納出適合數位行動裝置的照明環境類型。 本研究為求貼近一般使用行為模式,在一小時的模擬使用行為實驗中,設定八種日常生活中較常出現的光環境;另一方面,在數位行動裝置的設定上,讓受測者自行攜帶平常使用的裝置,並自行決定使用內容,讓受測者達到平常放鬆使用數位行動裝置的情境,來提高實驗的真實性。 最後將實驗後的問卷轉換成數據資料之後,以SPSS統計軟體進行重複量數分析,來探討全般照明下,照明形式、照度與色溫度因子對使用數位行動裝置的各個評價項目是否有統計上顯著的影響以及其影響程度。 結果顯示,直接照明無論光色皆適合使用數位行動裝置;間接照明黃光較白光適合使用數位行動裝置;男性與女性對光色的喜好不同。


With the advance of science and technology, changes in life style and elevated living standard, modern people spend almost 80~90% of their time indoors, and daily recreational activities gradually become digital. The smart phone and tablet PC can be regarded as mobile computer LCD screens. According to previous research on architectural lighting, the LCD screen is likely to reflect light to generate glare, influencing the efficiency of visual operation. This study compared the evaluations of digital mobile devices in multiple lighting environments, in order to determine the lighting environment type suitable for digital mobile devices. In order to approximate to the general use behavior pattern, eight common light environments in daily life were set according to one-hour simulated use behavior experiments. In terms of the settings of digital mobile devices, the subjects carried their usual devices, and determined the content of use themselves. The subjects could use their digital mobile devices freely to increase the authenticity of the experiment. Finally, after the experiment, user opinions were collected by a questionnaire survey. The data were analyzed with SPSS for repeated measure analysis to discuss whether the general lighting, lighting form, illumination, and color temperature factors have statistically significant influence on the evaluation items of digital mobile devices, as well as their influence levels. The results showed that direct lighting in any light color is suitable for digital mobile devices; the yellow light of indirect lighting is more suitable for digital mobile devices than white light; males and females have different preferences for light colors.


12. 葉明翰,照明之色溫度與照度組合對閱讀行為時主觀評價之影響,中原大學建築研
13. 謝宛玲,不同色溫度與照明方式對辦公者工作時主觀評價的影響,中原大學建築研
3.李厚強 ,人工光源之照度及色溫度對視覺感知影響與照明方式調查研究-以住宅客廳為例。中原大學室內設計研究所碩士論文,2002。


