  • 學位論文

虛擬實境產線規劃應用之研究 -以汽車零件業為例

Layout Planning by Using Virtual Reality -A Case Study of Motor Part

指導教授 : 周永燦


自二十一世紀以來,由於顧客意識抬頭,採購方式走向小批量、短交期及品質高的要求,以豐田生產系統(Toyota Product System, TPS)最為適合,主要精神為減少浪費,最能符合多樣少量的要求,也是要消減不良品及增加利潤的方法,以YS公司導入為例,雖然產線在搬動前會事前規劃,但無實體模擬驗證,在搬動後,許多因為物料及機台擺設不順,造成作業員活動範圍受限制,讓作業員連連抱怨及生產不順暢等,而作業員是公司重要資源,也考量人因工程之因素,減少作業員長期工作下是否易疲勞及不適的地方。 本研究收集TPS、工作站的設計、系統模擬及特性要因分析之文獻探討。研究將運用虛擬實境(Virtual Reality, VR)的預先模擬技術,將以發展出一套虛擬產線,得到產線最佳擺設。 本研究使用特性要因分析手法,將收集現況以小組探討「為何產能無法提升」為主題,分析後進行模擬實驗,並以票選方式紀錄於模擬調查表中,得出改善項目,進行第二次模擬實驗,其結果明顯比第一次佳,再經過產線實際驗證後,每人每日產量從162PCS提升至288PCS,距離目標315PCS,尚差異27PCS。


Because of the prevalence of consumer’s awareness in the 21st century, small quantity batch, short delivery term and high quality have been the primary demands of purchasing. The Toyota Production System (TPS), which is steeped in the philosophy of eliminating all waste and defective products in pursuit of the company’s profit, is the best system to meet this requirement. Take YS Company for example; because there was no simulation and validation procedures before designing the production line, the company frequently received complaints from operators about the limited operation space and the disorganization of materials and machines. Providing a comfortable and sound working environment is very important because all the operators are valuable assets to the company. By collecting and researching relevant literature on TPS, workstation design, system simulation and cause-effect analysis, and using 3D visualization skills of virtual reality, the purpose of this research is to develop a 3D visualization production line. Following a cause-effect analysis and group discussion on the topic: “Why Can’t Production Capacity Be Enhanced?”, a simulation experiment was held and the result of the voting was recorded in the simulation survey form. After the first experiment, items requiring improvement would be obtained. Then the second experiment was carried out. The result of the second experiment was much better than that of the first one, and after validating with the real production line, the daily per capita production was raised from 162PCS to 288PCS, which was still 27PCS short of the target goal of 315PCS.


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張進旺(2009)。推行豐田式生產管理系統之關鍵要素 以汽車模具業為例〔碩士論文,中原大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6840/cycu200901301
