  • 學位論文


How to Successfully Introduce Customer Relationship Management System into Medical Device Providers – A Case Studay of TBMS Group Companies

指導教授 : 胡宜中


由於ERP系統是以財務觀點所發展的系統,在實際應用中,發現該系統面對多樣性的顧客時,在管理上有其局限性,並無法提供良好的解決方案。目前企業已經認為顧客關係管理為策略行銷的要素,任何想要了解顧客行為的企業都想要借助顧客關係管理這項資源,達到有效傳達商品的價值,分析與培養顧客價值,藉以增加企業的競爭力。因此顧客關係管理系統可以有效的解決顧客關係管理的核心問題,並且能夠將概念落實成可執行策略的重要推手。 博而美公司是國內知名的醫療器材供應商,無論是代理產品的多樣性,代理品牌的市場重要性,以及公司的營運規模上,在台灣醫療器材業界都具有代表性,這也是為什麼選擇博而美公司做為研究對象的原因。該公司目前在顧客關係管理上遇到的問題有:(1)ERP系統以財務角度管理顧客基本資料不利於業務單位使用,(2)ERP系統對於交易資料的管理不符合業務使用,(3)業務人員與顧客接觸的相關資料缺乏有效的管理,(4)維修人員對客戶服務資料的追蹤管理不良,(5)相關展會得到的資料無法有效利用,(6)希望經由分析與顧客接觸的資料發現商機。 然而藉助顧客關係管理系統的幫助,可以針對上述問題提供解決之道,但是要使用此資訊系統,必須先能夠成功導入才能發揮其功能。因此,找出個案公司導入顧客關係管理系統之成功關鍵因素,針對這些關鍵因素進行改善,增加導入的成功機率,才有機會解決個案公司面臨的問題。 本研究透過德爾菲法訪談具有顧客關係管理系統導入實務與使用過的專家,建構出成功導入顧客關係管理系統之研究架構,再邀請個案公司的中高階主管與前述專家一起填寫問卷,再運用決策實驗室法為基礎的網路分析程序法進行分析,研究結果顯示「高階主管的支持與承諾」、「目標設定與流程檢視」、「供應商支援能力」、「供應商的經驗」、「供應商專業能力」、「系統符合需求」、「系統的適用性」為導入顧客關係管理系統的關鍵因素。 從因果圖顯示的結果可以看出,欲改善關鍵因素之績效,可以由「供應商專業能力」著手改善。不過「供應商專業能力」受到「供應商的支援能力」與「供應商的經驗」影響最大,所以可藉由觀察供應商的這兩項因素,幫助評估供應商的專業能力,藉以提高系統導入的成功率。


As ERP system is a system based on financial fundamental. In practical application, it has been found that it couldn’t provide a good solution due to the limitations of management. Nowadays, enterprises have been aware that Customer Relationship Management is a key factor of strategic marketing. Any enterprises that demand to learn customers’ behaviors, would like to use CRM as a tool to convey the value of the products. Furthermore, analyzing and developing the values of the customers could enhance enterprise’s competitiveness. Thus, CRM System could provide efficient solutions to the core question of CRM, and converts conceptual idea to executable strategies. TBMS is a representative model in the Taiwan medical supply industry due to the diversity of the products, the importance of distributed brands in the market, and the size of the corporation. Above are the reasons that I chose TBMS as my studying subject.The problems that the subject currently encounter are: (1) ERP system is not suitable for sales department due to managing customer information from a financial perspective. (2) The management of sales information in ERP system is not adequate for sales. (3) Inefficient management of sales-customers information. (4) Poor is tracking management of customer service for maintenance personnel. (5) The information from relative exhibition couldn’t be employed efficiently. (6) Expect that analyzing customer information could be a great tool for business strategy. With the help of CRM System, the problems above could be solved, however, the system should be introduced successfully before it works functionally. Therefore, locating the key successful factors of introducing Customer Relationship Management System of TBMS and following these factors to make improvements could evaluate the success rate thus providing a solution to the problems. This research interviewed experts with actual experience of taking customer relationship system in practice through Delphi method to build the research fundamental of successful customer relationship manage system. Also, invite middle supervisor from TBMS to accomplish questionnaire with the experts and analyzed with ANP based on DEMATEL. The research results showed “support and commitment from senior supervisor”, “goal setting and process viewing”, “support ability of the supplier”, “experience of the supplier”, “professional ability of the supplier”, “system meets requirements” and “system applicability” are the key factors. The cause and effect diagram shows that by approaching “professional ability of supplier” can efficiently improve the achievement of key factors. Since “professional ability of supplier” is most affected by “support ability of the supplier” and “experience of supplier,” therefore, by observing those two factors of the supplier could help evaluate the professional ability of the supplier to increase the introducing success rate.


