  • 學位論文


Applying Functional Mathematics Curriculum to Primary School Students with Moderate and Severe Intellectual Disabilities –Weight as the Case

指導教授 : 何素華


本研究以重量教學為例,探討國小中重度智能障礙學生接受功能性數學課程的學習成效。本研究採單一受試法中的跨行為多探試設計,以研究者自編之功能性重量課程為自變項,共包含:解決生活中的承重問題、比較兩物的輕重、應用測量工具測量物重等三個目標,對國小三位中重度智能障礙學生進行共八週,每週400分鐘的教學研究。研究結果發現:以功能性課程觀點進行設計,確能有效幫助國小中重度智能障礙學生學習解決生活中重量相關問題。三位學生在經過功能性課程教學後,在三個目標上皆能有明顯進步,並達到預訂標準,有很好的立即學習成效。在類化與效果方面,雖因學生特質與學習能力有些許差異,但整體而言,三位學生皆呈現非常好的類化與保留成效。 綜合三位受試學生在三個目標的錯誤類型可發現,學生對於下列幾種題目較易出現錯誤:(1)需應用較多步驟或背景知識來完成的題目;(2) 搬抬長型物品的題目;(3) 大而輕,小而重的兩物之輕重比較的題目;(4)手掂比較重量差異小之兩物的輕重;(5)應用到超出學生數字與數序發展的題目;(6)對於需應用與教學時不同規格之測重工具的題目。 受試學生在進行功能性重量課程的學習時,所出現的特殊學習行為如下:(1)等待別人來解決問題;(2)不知怎麼表達請人幫忙;(3)僅會找特定的人來協助進行重物搬移;(4)搬抬重物時著力點不對;(5)會以固定模式進行問題解決;(6)分裝物品時未考慮到物品屬性;(7)不會平均分散物品重量;(8)在進行二選一問題時,往往不經思考即進行回答;(9)進行輕重比較時會受物體外觀影響產生迷思;(10)不會判斷內容量多寡與重量的關係;(11)會不經思考以先前的記憶回答;(12)反應後未檢查是否成功解決問題。


The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of applying functional mathematics curriculum to primary students with moderate to severe intellectual disabilities on the concept of weight. The independent variable of this study was the functional weight curriculum which was developed by researcher, including three goals: Learning how to carry or move heavy objects through the concept of weight, comparing the weight of two objects by the use of hands and using tools to measure weight. This curriculum was applied on three primary students, with moderate to severe intellectual disabilities. The study lasted for 8 weeks. Four hundred minutes per week was utilized. A multiple-probe across behaviors research design was applied to evaluate the effectiveness of the curriculum. The findings of this study indicates the experiment produced good immediate effects, on promoting primary students with moderate to severe intellectual disabilities in learning the concept of weight and weight measuring skills and solving weight problems as well. The results also indicate good generalization effects with individual differences. All of the three participants were familiar with weight problem-solving skills and had good maintenance effects. Analyzing the types of mistakes made by the participants trying to solve weight related problems, it was demonstrated participants had more difficulties in the following cases:(a) solutions requiring a sequential approach or a broad range of know-how ;(b) carrying long objects;(c) when comparing the weight of a large but light object to a small but heavier one;(d) too small weight difference between the compared objects to be judged by using hands;(e) in need of advanced Mathematics rules beyond participants’ knowledge;(f) when available measurement tools are different from those used during the learning phase. Hereafter are the particular behaviors of the participants that were also observed during the learning process:(a) waiting for other people to help them rather than taking the initiative to solve the problem by themselves;(b) inability to express to others their need for help;(c)only and repeatedly asking for a particular person help with in a group of people; (d) lack of efforts coordination when cooperating with others to carry heavy objects;(e) repeating the identical sequence of actions taught earlier to solve problems without any adaptation capability or flexibility;(f) ignoring object fragility when packing things together;(g) Randomly picking up an answer when choosing within two of them;(h) interference of the objects’ appearance with their judgment of weight;(i) inability to correlate volume to weight;(j) using their latest experience to answer a question without considering whether it is relevant or not to the actual problem.


林志忠(1999)。後設認知策略對資優兒童科學解題能力影響之研究。師大學報:科學教育類,44(1 & 2),61-81。
