  • 學位論文


Surface wettability of polymer film containing photochromic spiropyran dye

指導教授 : 許克瀛


本研究以光致色變機能性染料螺吡喃和高分子聚合物混合摻雜,利用高分子相分離法結晶製程,製造自組裝螺吡喃高分子結晶性薄膜。經紫外光照射光反應,化合物結構及表面形貌產生變化。化合物結構改變因在環 C - O鍵產生化學裂解開環,形成弱親水性。經530nm波長的綠光再次照射又能恢復到原來的閉環結構,致使光致色變機能性染料回復為較疏水性狀態。分別以高分子媒體效應、溶劑退火(Solvent Annealing)效能、染料固含量及紫外光照光等變因,進行探討膜面親/疏水受這些因素影響的變化。光變致親/疏水性的變化主要係受到表面結晶型態及粗糙度的影響。膜面的結晶越多,紫外光曝光前後親/疏水性差異就愈大。其關鍵在於自組裝結晶時,採用溶劑退火(Solvent Annealing)法。將螺吡喃摻雜於不同高分子所製成的膜,給予不同退火(Annealing)條件, 對不同高分子材料摻雜之螺吡喃形成表面結晶型態不同,探討其對親/疏水性的影響。結果顯示,利用溶劑退火(Solvent Annealing)導致螺吡喃高分子膜產生自組裝結晶型態,形成粗糙表面,導致親/疏水性有較大的差異。利用此法可在高分子薄膜表面形成親/疏水性互換的表面性質,其水接觸角差異可達70度以上。


This study investigated the properties of thin films, which comprised of photochromic spiropyran and polymer blends. These thin films were obtained by the phase-separation-induced crystallization of spiropyran. Upon the irradiation of UV light, spiropyran become weak-hydrophilic molecule because the scission of the C-O pyran bond was occurred in spiropyran. The UV light-induced isomerization could be reversed by using visible light (530 nm) again. The properties of thin films were studied according to the effects of polymer matrix, solvent annealing, amount of spiropyran in polymer, and intensity of UV light. It was found that the photo-controllable wettability could be attributed to the change in surface roughness and morphology. The more crystalline structures are formed on the surface, and the difference of wettability will be enhanced after irradiating UV light. Under the different annealing conditions, different spiropyran and polymer blends will form different surface morphology. The method of solvent annealing can cause spiropyran and polymer blends form self-assembled crystalline structure on the surface. It can assist this polymer surface to have large wettability difference. The difference in contact angle can reach above 70 degree after irradiation of UV light by using solvent annealing.


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