  • 學位論文

模糊多準則決策於民宿經營關鍵因素之決定 -以烏來區溫泉民宿為例

Finding Key Factors for Managing Homestay Using Fuzzy Multiple Criteria Decision Making-Take Wulai Hot Spring Homestay as an Example

指導教授 : 胡宜中


根據觀光局 (2011) 統計,近年來,從世界各地來台之旅客不斷地增加,同時,自實施周休二日開始,國人可運用之休閒時間增加,使其更注重生活品質,並促使整體休閒旅遊風氣大幅提升。國人從事旅遊時,若需住宿,不外乎旅館、飯店、汽車旅館或民宿等,然而,至今仍有許多消費者會將民宿與旅館混為一談,然其經營模式係截然不同的,如民宿可結合當地天然資源、當地風土民情、透過與消費者互動,進而給予不一樣之休閒樂趣,此為旅館或飯店之業者較無法做到之處。換言之,對於台灣來說,民宿係最好的台灣行銷者,更係很好的公關,同時,民宿扮演推動當地地方文化與提升當地觀光旅遊之重要媒介。另一方面,因養生風氣盛行,泡湯已成為國人休閒旅遊時主要活動之一,而烏來素以溫泉聞名,並擁有許多特殊之自然資源與人文背景,以自然景觀而言,其斷崖與瀑布極具盛名,同時,擁有許多稀有野生動物,如帝雉、藍腹鷳、竹雞等,更為賞鳥人士們所推崇,此外,亦具有原住民文化(主要以泰雅族為主)。另一方面,烏來更係繼北投之後,第二個由政府所規劃之溫泉專區,其當地之合法溫泉民宿亦為整個新北市之最,因此,本研究認為烏來實具有研究價值。 本研究首先透過文獻探討,進而建構雛型架構,再藉由專家訪談,進而建構正式架構。接續,透過網路程序分析法取得構面與準則之權重。最後,藉由模糊集合理論探討民宿之經營績效表現,並給予建議。 根據研究結果發現: (1)就雙方民宿消費者而言,其皆重視之準則為「顧客能提出具體改善做法」、「溫泉池的整潔維護」、「環境清潔衛生程度」、「溫泉民宿的行銷方式」與「營業時間方便性」,此些準則之績效值與滿意度平均值「滿意」相比之下,消費者皆認為其表現較為不好,也認為仍舊有改進的空間。 (2)於民宿績效表現上,消費者對其所居住之民宿滿意度皆為「稍微滿意」。 (3)雙方業者與消費者對於「民宿精神與社區共榮」皆較不重視,然而,於專家訪談過程中,專家們普遍皆認為此構面相當重要的,同時,皆認為應透過教育業者進而影響消費者,並藉此提升消費者再度住宿之意願,進而提升民宿業者永續經營之目標。


According to Tourism Bureau statistic data, recently the number of all over world traveler comes to Taiwan increase constantly. Since the implement of one week two days off, people can have more leisure time to pay more attention to enjoy their life. And also can promote travel atmosphere dramatically. When people engaged traveling always need rest place, such as roadhouse, hotel, motel or homestay. However, there are still many people ca not distinguish between hotel and homestay. Actually, both of the business model are totally different. Homestay can combine with nature resource, local culture, or interact with consumers then provide different fun from hotel or motel. In other words, homestay is the best promoter and public active for Taiwan. In the meanwhile, homestay plays an important role to enhance local culture and tourism. On the other hand, the way to keep in good health is in vogue, hot spring became one of the most popular leisure activities. Wulai is known for nature landscape like cliffs and waterfalls, rare wild animals also have special aboriginal culture. On the other hand, Wulai was planned to be the second hot spring area by government what Beitou is the first. There have the most legal operate homestay in new Taipei. Therefore, this study suggests that wulai has worthy of further study. First, according to literature review and through expert interviews, then construct our formal aspect. Then obtain the weight of aspect and criterion by Analytic Network Process. Last, explore the operating performance of homestay by Fuzzy Set Theory then offer some advice.


徐襄琦、鄭桂玫,2010,「以台灣民宿業者之體驗行銷論旅遊意象之型塑」,運動休閒餐旅研究,第五卷第一期,頁 187-197。


